Consultants files for construction planning phase, BMW Welt, Munich
Original directory name: "05_Konsulenten". File contains records created and shared by COOP HIMMELB(L)AU and the various consultants on the project. These include PRO-Elektroplan GmbH, Bollinger+Grohmann, Dr. Pfeiler GmbH, Kersken + Kirchner GmbH., KBP Beratende Ingenieure GmbH, pbb planungsbüro balke, Ingenieurgemeinschaft BDP, a.g Licht, Realgruen Landschaftsarchitekten ,Lang + Burkhardt Verkehrsplanung und Städtebau, Emmer Pfenninger Partner AG, IB Rüdiger Schönenberg, Thomas A. Weisse + Partner. Bulk dates run from 2003-2006.
Consultant expertise ranges from electricity, (electrical conveyor technology, Foerdertechnik) to structural physics (bauphysik), including open space planning (Freiflächenplanung), interior design (Inneneinrichtung), fire protection (Brandschutz), stage technology (Buehnentechnik), kitchen planning (Küchenplanung), facade engineering (Fassadentechnik), light design and planning (Lichtplaner), and solar panels for the roof. The records, largely plans, show the specific parts on which each of these consultants was working.
The bulk of the records may be found under the “k_SSF_Ausführungsplanung/G_Pläne” directory which contains close to half of the records in this file. These are plans and views of the different areas and components of the BMW Welt building. These often include a CAD and a PDF version, some of which are annotated digitally or by hand prior to being digitized. CAD files include 2D drawings or 3D models, wireframes, screen captures, renderings, and plotter files.
Records also include project management files, lists of the components of each room, engineering and analyses reports, many of which were digitized. Related to electrical and building engineering, there are a few databases in "c_PRO_Elektro_Foerdertechnik" and "b_KBP_Haustechnik". These contain information on the rooms and their technical requirements, such as equipment for plumbing, heat and ventilation, refrigeration systems, building automation, etc. Some database reports are also part of the records. Various sub-directories are named “quelldaten” (source data), which are typically zipped archives and often contain duplicate files. Duplicates were kept due to possible dependencies. Finally, the more than 7,000 plotter files across most directories suggest that printing physical copies of digital drawings for consultation was common practice.
Early files (1997-2000) are AutoCAD Compiled Shape/Font File, AutoCAD Font Mapping Table, TrueType Font, and AutoCAD Colour-Dependant Plot Style Table. CAD files may depend on these to display drawings accurately.
Most common file formats: Hewlett Packard Vector Graphic Plotter File, AutoCAD Drawing, Acrobat PDF 1.3 - Portable Document Format, Acrobat PDF 1.4 - Portable Document Format, ZIP Format
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