Photographs of models, BMW Welt, Munich
Original directory name: "12-a_Modellfotos". File contains multiple dated series of photographs of a large-scale physical model of BMW Welt. Photographs also document a film commissioned by COOP HIMMELB(L)AU and made by Imaginary Forces to show BMW the magnitude of the future BMW Welt. Film is in file AP181.S1.011 Presentations, BMW Welt, Munich.
Most common file formats: Exchangeable Image File Format (Compressed), JPEG File Interchange Format, Adobe Photoshop, Tagged Image File Format, Exchangeable Image File Format (Uncompressed)
Sub-directories of “12-a_Modellfotos/040628 modellfotos”, contained photographs that were dated 2000-01-01. Dates were changed to 2004-06-28, which corresponds to the directory name, and to the date of all the other files within this directory.
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