Construction documentation, BMW Welt, Munich
Original directory name: "18_AN- Ausführende Firmen". File consists of records related to the construction, or execution, phase of the BMW Welt project. There are five high-level directories, identified with numerical codes and which element of the construction is being addressed by the records: construction signs, facade engineering, foundations, structural work, and facade steel construction. The firms include Werbetechnik Deger, Bauer, and Maurer Söhne.
The bulk of the records is found under the "3060_Stahlbau_Fassade_MSG" directory, consisting of CAD drawings and 3D models for the roof support head points, the service walkways, cover panels, placement of security cameras, the internal helix, the drainage system, etc. These are CAD files, screen captures, and annotated digitisations of printed drawings, the latter two showing very specific details of the structure.
There are approximately 500 plotter files in directories "3017 Fassadentechnik" (facade engineering) and "3060_Stahlbau_Fassade_MSG/I_Pläne/Ausgang", some being in archive files (.zip). Files also include some textual records, such as lists, presentations, and correspondence between stakeholders.
Most common file formats: JPEG File Interchange Format, Hewlett Packard Vector Graphic Plotter File, Acrobat PDF 1.3 - Portable Document Format, AutoCAD Drawing, Acrobat PDF 1.4 - Portable Document Format
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