Design of bridge to the BMW Museum, BMW Welt, Munich
Original directory name: "24_TRIAS-Masterplan". File contains preliminary design records for a pedestrian bridge that would connect BMW Welt to the BMW Museum. Drawings, plans, wireframes, presentations, and photographs of models show scenarios to ease visitors’ journey between BMW Welt, BMW Museum and the BMW plant. Aside from plans and elevations, in CAD or PDF formats for the most part, there are a few analyses of the structure and its relation to the other structures of the BMW complex. There are also lists of drawings and technical descriptions of the project. Records are chiefly organized by consultants and date.
Early files from 1997 are AutoCAD Font Mapping Table (.fmp) on which other files are dependent to open correctly. File contains a handful of drawings with the extension 3dxml that were generated with CATIA V5. Files from the sofiCAD plug-in for AutoCAD were also found and were maintained as other files might have dependencies on them. Most duplicates are dependency files found in various sub-directories.
Most common file formats: AutoCAD Drawing, Acrobat PDF 1.3 - Portable Document Format, Acrobat PDF 1.4 - Portable Document Format, ZIP Format, Microstation CAD Drawing
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