Design and construction planning of bridge to BMW Museum, BMW Welt, Munich
Original directory name: "25_TRIAS-Aussenbrücke". File content shows the design and construction planning for a pedestrian bridge connecting BMW Welt to the BMW Museum. Records include plans, drawings, research material, presentations, approval planning, building specification, list of plans, final handover of the arch bridge, etc.
The bulk of records are CAD drawings and 3D models of the design development and planning. The drawings are organized by type of plan: site plan, sections, axonometric views, etc. As for 3D models, they are organized mostly by file format, and then by date. The "3D" sub-directory also contains more than 1500 screenshots saved as JPEG. Additional records include site photographs, digitized sketches, visual research material, presentations of the concept, bridge structure technical descriptions, 2D and 3D technical drawings (in PDF, CAD, JPG, and Illustrator formats), renderings, project planning charts, and plan lists.
Most common file formats: JPEG File Interchange Format, AutoCAD Drawing, 3DM, Exchangeable Image File Format (Compressed), Maya Binary File Format
Some photographs of the site in "b_Bilder/sitefotos/" were dated 2000-01-01, likely an error in the encoding of the timestamp. Date was changed to 2004-10-07, which corresponds to the date of a photogrpah of the same series present in this directory.
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