journals and magazines, photographs
This box consists of journals and magazines. Publications include: Architectural Competitions in Finland (1985); Journal of the Potlatch Lab, Columbia Graduate School of Architecture, Planning and Preservation (GSAPP) (2011), Avery News, Columbia Graduate School of Architecture, Planning and Preservation (GSAPP) (1988); Arata Isozaki, GA Gallery (1983); Publication de arquitectura, Barcelona (1983); Garland Art and Architecture(1991); Papeles de Campanar (1987); ICA Bulletin (1966); the RSA Journal (1988); le Carré Bleu (1962-1963); the Concrete Quarterly (1957); and more.
circa 1957-2015
This box consists of journals and magazines. Publications include: Architectural Competitions in Finland (1985); Journal of the Potlatch Lab, Columbia Graduate School of Architecture, Planning and Preservation (GSAPP) (2011), Avery News, Columbia Graduate School of Architecture, Planning and Preservation (GSAPP) (1988); Arata Isozaki, GA Gallery (1983); Publication de arquitectura, Barcelona (1983); Garland Art and Architecture(1991); Papeles de Campanar (1987); ICA Bulletin (1966); the RSA Journal (1988); le Carré Bleu (1962-1963); the Concrete Quarterly (1957); and more.
journals and magazines, photographs
circa 1957-2015
textual records
File's title: A&H 2004 B.1. Conferencias/charlas (administración invitaciones) List of conferences, talks and/or seminars: - College of architecture and landscape architecture (Tucson, Arizona, United States); - Otis College of Art and Design (Los Angeles, California, United States); - 40th International Alvar Aalto Design Seminar (Helsinki, Finland); - Curso de Verano de Arquitectura (Almería, Spain); - III Encuentro de Arquitectura, Urbanismo y Paisajismo tropical (San José, Costa Rica); - La Ciudad Azul, Instituto de Arquitectura tropical (San José, Costa Rica). The documents are in English and Spanish.
2003-2004, 2006
Mostly correspondence regarding conferences, talks and seminars given by Abalos & Herreros
File's title: A&H 2004 B.1. Conferencias/charlas (administración invitaciones) List of conferences, talks and/or seminars: - College of architecture and landscape architecture (Tucson, Arizona, United States); - Otis College of Art and Design (Los Angeles, California, United States); - 40th International Alvar Aalto Design Seminar (Helsinki, Finland); - Curso de Verano de Arquitectura (Almería, Spain); - III Encuentro de Arquitectura, Urbanismo y Paisajismo tropical (San José, Costa Rica); - La Ciudad Azul, Instituto de Arquitectura tropical (San José, Costa Rica). The documents are in English and Spanish.
textual records
2003-2004, 2006
Archaeology of the Digital: Complexity and Convention is the third exhibition related to the development of a strategy for collecting and preserving digital archives at the CCA. The Archaeology of the Digital program comprises twenty-five projects for which digital materials are integral to an understanding of the design process. For projects included in the first two(...)
11 May 2016 to 16 October 2016
Archaeology of the Digital: Complexity and Convention
Archaeology of the Digital: Complexity and Convention is the third exhibition related to the development of a strategy for collecting and preserving digital archives at the CCA. The Archaeology of the Digital program comprises twenty-five projects for which digital materials are integral to an understanding of the design process. For projects included in the first two(...)
This project series documents the design and construction of Toronto City Hall and Civic Square in Toronto from 1958-1965. The office identified the project number as 5867. The design of Toronto's New City Hall, built next to its older counterpart, was realized through an international architectural competition that attracted more than 500 entries from around the world. Eventually, a unanimous jury chose Finnish architect Viljo Revell's design, cementing the age of modernist architecture in Toronto. However, the rules stated that if the winning architect was not part of the Ontario Association of Architects, they were required to partner with a local firm. In this way, John B. Parkin Associates was chosen as the associate architects for this project. The design was comprised of a concrete dome house, which contained the city council chambers, surrounded by two curved office towers, all perched on top of a podium, with a public square to the south, known as Nathan Phillips Square. The buildings were 816,000 square feet in size, the west tower having 18 office floors and the east tower with 25. The project is recorded through drawings, a mounted presentation photograph of the project and textual records dating from 1958-1966. The drawings are mostly reprographic copies, which include plans, elevations, sections, details and perspectives. The textual records consist of a competition synopsis book, a book of submission materials for the competition, and correspondence between Parkin and Revell.
Toronto City Hall and Civic Square, Toronto (1958)
This project series documents the design and construction of Toronto City Hall and Civic Square in Toronto from 1958-1965. The office identified the project number as 5867. The design of Toronto's New City Hall, built next to its older counterpart, was realized through an international architectural competition that attracted more than 500 entries from around the world. Eventually, a unanimous jury chose Finnish architect Viljo Revell's design, cementing the age of modernist architecture in Toronto. However, the rules stated that if the winning architect was not part of the Ontario Association of Architects, they were required to partner with a local firm. In this way, John B. Parkin Associates was chosen as the associate architects for this project. The design was comprised of a concrete dome house, which contained the city council chambers, surrounded by two curved office towers, all perched on top of a podium, with a public square to the south, known as Nathan Phillips Square. The buildings were 816,000 square feet in size, the west tower having 18 office floors and the east tower with 25. The project is recorded through drawings, a mounted presentation photograph of the project and textual records dating from 1958-1966. The drawings are mostly reprographic copies, which include plans, elevations, sections, details and perspectives. The textual records consist of a competition synopsis book, a book of submission materials for the competition, and correspondence between Parkin and Revell.
CIAM IV, CIRPAC and London
The series contains seven bands of negatives, divided into groups of two and three negatives a band. The first five bands document the 4th Congrès International d'Architecture Moderne (CIAM) held on board the SS Patris II from 29 July to 13 August 1933, as it travelled between Marseilles, France, and Athens, Greece, and then returned. The conference, themed "The Functional City", presented and discussed the results of an analysis of more than thirty cities, and sought to establish new principles in urban planning. Sise participated at the conference as the Canadian delegate and presented the city of Los Angeles, California. The resolutions adopted at the conference were published for the first time in November under the title "Constatations du quatrième CIAM". These findings formed the base of the Charte d'Athenès written by Le Corbusier in 1941. The negatives show some of the participants of the conference including: Le Corbusier (1887-1965), from the French delegation; László Moholy-Nagy (1895-1946), from the German delegation, who was in charge of filming the presentations; Alvar Aalto (1898-1976), representing Finland; and the painter Fernand Léger (1881-1955), also from the French delegatation, who presented on the importance of colour in architecture. The two other bands of negatives provide evidence of Sise's attendance at Comité International pour la Résolution des Problèmes d'Architecture Contemporaine (CIRPAC), held in May 1934 at the Royal Institute of British Architects in London, England, to establish the program for the next CIAM (1). They also show his meeting in London with Georges Braque during the summer of the same year. (1) Eric Mumford states in "The CIAM Discourse on Urbanism, 1928-1960" that Le Corbusier did not participate at this conference (p. 92). _____________________ La série contient des bandes de négatifs, qui contiennent soit deux, soit trois images, et sont au nombre de sept. Les cinq premières bandes documentent le IVe Congrès International d'Architecture Moderne (CIAM) tenu à bord du SS Patris II du 29 juillet au 13 août 1933, entre Marseilles, France et Athènes, Grèce, à Athènes même, et sur le même bateau de croisière durant le retour à Marseilles. Le Congrès, qui se déroulait autour du thème de "The functional city", consistait en la communication des résultats de l'analyse de plus de trente villes et l'objectif visait à établir de nouveaux principes d'urbanisme. Hazen Sise participait au Congrès à titre de délégué du Canada et présenta la ville de Los Angeles, Californie. Les résolutions prises lors du Congrès ont été publiées pour la première fois au mois de novembre suivant sous le titre de "Constatations du quatrième CIAM". Ces "Constatations" seront ensuite à la base de la Charte d'Athènes que Le Corbusier rédigea en 1941. Les clichés montrent quelques-uns des participants au Congrès, dont Le Corbusier (1887-1965), de la délégation française, alors qu'il faisait une communication; László Moholy-Nagy (1895-1946), de la délégation allemande, à qui on avait confié la tâche de filmer les exposés; Alvar Aalto (1898-1976), représentant la Finlande; et le peintre Fernand Léger (1881-1955), délégué de la France, qui présenta un discours à l'attention des architectes au sujet de l'importance de la couleur en architecture. Les deux autres bandes de négatifs témoignent de la présence de Sise au (Comité International pour la Résolution des Problèmes d'Architecture Contemporaine (CIRPAC) à Londres, Angleterre, tenu en mai 1934 au Royal Institute of British Architects pour établir le programme du prochain CIAM (1) et de sa rencontre à Londres avec Georges Braque durant l'été de la même année. (1) Eric Mumford affirme cependant dans "The CIAM Discourse on Urbanism, 1928-1960" que Le Corbusier n'a pas participé à ce congrès (p. 92).
CIAM IV, CIRPAC and London
The series contains seven bands of negatives, divided into groups of two and three negatives a band. The first five bands document the 4th Congrès International d'Architecture Moderne (CIAM) held on board the SS Patris II from 29 July to 13 August 1933, as it travelled between Marseilles, France, and Athens, Greece, and then returned. The conference, themed "The Functional City", presented and discussed the results of an analysis of more than thirty cities, and sought to establish new principles in urban planning. Sise participated at the conference as the Canadian delegate and presented the city of Los Angeles, California. The resolutions adopted at the conference were published for the first time in November under the title "Constatations du quatrième CIAM". These findings formed the base of the Charte d'Athenès written by Le Corbusier in 1941. The negatives show some of the participants of the conference including: Le Corbusier (1887-1965), from the French delegation; László Moholy-Nagy (1895-1946), from the German delegation, who was in charge of filming the presentations; Alvar Aalto (1898-1976), representing Finland; and the painter Fernand Léger (1881-1955), also from the French delegatation, who presented on the importance of colour in architecture. The two other bands of negatives provide evidence of Sise's attendance at Comité International pour la Résolution des Problèmes d'Architecture Contemporaine (CIRPAC), held in May 1934 at the Royal Institute of British Architects in London, England, to establish the program for the next CIAM (1). They also show his meeting in London with Georges Braque during the summer of the same year. (1) Eric Mumford states in "The CIAM Discourse on Urbanism, 1928-1960" that Le Corbusier did not participate at this conference (p. 92). _____________________ La série contient des bandes de négatifs, qui contiennent soit deux, soit trois images, et sont au nombre de sept. Les cinq premières bandes documentent le IVe Congrès International d'Architecture Moderne (CIAM) tenu à bord du SS Patris II du 29 juillet au 13 août 1933, entre Marseilles, France et Athènes, Grèce, à Athènes même, et sur le même bateau de croisière durant le retour à Marseilles. Le Congrès, qui se déroulait autour du thème de "The functional city", consistait en la communication des résultats de l'analyse de plus de trente villes et l'objectif visait à établir de nouveaux principes d'urbanisme. Hazen Sise participait au Congrès à titre de délégué du Canada et présenta la ville de Los Angeles, Californie. Les résolutions prises lors du Congrès ont été publiées pour la première fois au mois de novembre suivant sous le titre de "Constatations du quatrième CIAM". Ces "Constatations" seront ensuite à la base de la Charte d'Athènes que Le Corbusier rédigea en 1941. Les clichés montrent quelques-uns des participants au Congrès, dont Le Corbusier (1887-1965), de la délégation française, alors qu'il faisait une communication; László Moholy-Nagy (1895-1946), de la délégation allemande, à qui on avait confié la tâche de filmer les exposés; Alvar Aalto (1898-1976), représentant la Finlande; et le peintre Fernand Léger (1881-1955), délégué de la France, qui présenta un discours à l'attention des architectes au sujet de l'importance de la couleur en architecture. Les deux autres bandes de négatifs témoignent de la présence de Sise au (Comité International pour la Résolution des Problèmes d'Architecture Contemporaine (CIRPAC) à Londres, Angleterre, tenu en mai 1934 au Royal Institute of British Architects pour établir le programme du prochain CIAM (1) et de sa rencontre à Londres avec Georges Braque durant l'été de la même année. (1) Eric Mumford affirme cependant dans "The CIAM Discourse on Urbanism, 1928-1960" que Le Corbusier n'a pas participé à ce congrès (p. 92).
Level of archival description:
The Johan Bettum OCEAN North projects records, 1995-2000, consist of born-digital files and a physical drawing that document three projects by the OCEAN North collective: Synthetic Landscape (1995-2000), Jyväskylä Music and Arts Centre (competition, 1997), and Tölöö Football Stadium (competition, 1997). The archive also includes a small amount of additional born-digital reference materials on 11 projects from the collective, including the three projects mentioned above.
Johan Bettum OCEAN North project records
The Johan Bettum OCEAN North projects records, 1995-2000, consist of born-digital files and a physical drawing that document three projects by the OCEAN North collective: Synthetic Landscape (1995-2000), Jyväskylä Music and Arts Centre (competition, 1997), and Tölöö Football Stadium (competition, 1997). The archive also includes a small amount of additional born-digital reference materials on 11 projects from the collective, including the three projects mentioned above.
Level of archival description:
Level of archival description:
Álvaro Siza fonds
The Álvaro Siza fonds documents the architectural work of Portuguese architect Álvaro Siza. Records in this fonds document Siza’s projects from 1958-2012, including built and unbuilt designs. A collaborative project was established between the Canadian Centre for Architecture (CCA), Fundação de Serralves, and Fundação Calouste Gulbenkian to allow for international research and access to the archive. The archive is shared by the three institutions with each institution holding different projects while collaborating on the descriptive work and increasing the visibility of the archive. The holdings at both the Fundação de Serralves and Fundação Calouste Gulbenkian focus on Siza’s Portuguese projects, while the portion of the archive held by the CCA mainly includes Siza’s projects abroad. All three institutions are committed to describing the archive and making it accessible for scholarly research. The processing of the Siza archive held by the CCA has been divided into four phases to allow for access to parts of the archive while still in process. For the first, second, and third phases, the processing archivist has described the projects from the fifties, sixties, and seventies, as well as projects for the IBA competition in Berlin, urban renewal projects in The Hague from the eighties, urban plans, museums, and individual houses between 1980 and 2000. The processing archivist has also described approximately 203 sketchbooks. Many of these sketchbooks include sketches related to architectural projects which were processed. The complete list of projects processed by the CCA to date can be found in series AP178.S1. The bulk of the Álvaro Siza fonds is arranged in Series AP178.S1, which contains documentation for over 200 of Siza’s architectural projects. Records in this archive are predominantly from 1970 to 2000. Series AP178.S1 mainly contains conceptual, design development, presentation, and working drawings. Also included are photographic materials, models, born digital records, and textual documentation, which include correspondence, project proposals, and notes. The architect’s creative process is captured in 282 sketchbooks arranged in Series AP178.S2. In all there are approximately 60 000 drawings, 3000 folders of textual documentation, 9.46 linear meters of photographs and negatives, 6,545 slides, 250 CD-ROMS, 101 floppy disks, and 371 models that document the architectural activities of Siza and his office. Among the drawings are sketches by Siza on various items, such as napkins, receipts, envelopes, or on the back of working drawings. The fonds contains several types of architectural projects including residential buildings, museums, universities, urban plans, offices, and city restorations. Of particular significance are the sketchbooks, comprised of sketches for architectural projects, Siza’s travels, people, and animals as well as notes and draft letters. The sketchbooks are organized in chronological order, starting in the late 1970’s to the beginning of the 2000’s. Locations, notes, and dates have also been identified on the front of each sketchbook along with the sketchbook number. The sketchbooks provide a unique perspective of Siza’s use of drawing as part of his work process.
Álvaro Siza fonds
The Álvaro Siza fonds documents the architectural work of Portuguese architect Álvaro Siza. Records in this fonds document Siza’s projects from 1958-2012, including built and unbuilt designs. A collaborative project was established between the Canadian Centre for Architecture (CCA), Fundação de Serralves, and Fundação Calouste Gulbenkian to allow for international research and access to the archive. The archive is shared by the three institutions with each institution holding different projects while collaborating on the descriptive work and increasing the visibility of the archive. The holdings at both the Fundação de Serralves and Fundação Calouste Gulbenkian focus on Siza’s Portuguese projects, while the portion of the archive held by the CCA mainly includes Siza’s projects abroad. All three institutions are committed to describing the archive and making it accessible for scholarly research. The processing of the Siza archive held by the CCA has been divided into four phases to allow for access to parts of the archive while still in process. For the first, second, and third phases, the processing archivist has described the projects from the fifties, sixties, and seventies, as well as projects for the IBA competition in Berlin, urban renewal projects in The Hague from the eighties, urban plans, museums, and individual houses between 1980 and 2000. The processing archivist has also described approximately 203 sketchbooks. Many of these sketchbooks include sketches related to architectural projects which were processed. The complete list of projects processed by the CCA to date can be found in series AP178.S1. The bulk of the Álvaro Siza fonds is arranged in Series AP178.S1, which contains documentation for over 200 of Siza’s architectural projects. Records in this archive are predominantly from 1970 to 2000. Series AP178.S1 mainly contains conceptual, design development, presentation, and working drawings. Also included are photographic materials, models, born digital records, and textual documentation, which include correspondence, project proposals, and notes. The architect’s creative process is captured in 282 sketchbooks arranged in Series AP178.S2. In all there are approximately 60 000 drawings, 3000 folders of textual documentation, 9.46 linear meters of photographs and negatives, 6,545 slides, 250 CD-ROMS, 101 floppy disks, and 371 models that document the architectural activities of Siza and his office. Among the drawings are sketches by Siza on various items, such as napkins, receipts, envelopes, or on the back of working drawings. The fonds contains several types of architectural projects including residential buildings, museums, universities, urban plans, offices, and city restorations. Of particular significance are the sketchbooks, comprised of sketches for architectural projects, Siza’s travels, people, and animals as well as notes and draft letters. The sketchbooks are organized in chronological order, starting in the late 1970’s to the beginning of the 2000’s. Locations, notes, and dates have also been identified on the front of each sketchbook along with the sketchbook number. The sketchbooks provide a unique perspective of Siza’s use of drawing as part of his work process.
Level of archival description:
OCEAN reference files
Series consist of records associated with different projects devised by OCEAN and OCEAN North prior to 1999 and retained as reference material by Johan Bettum, who did not collaborate on every project. Records occasionally include some photographs, but for the most part are images from work done with CAD software. These include plans, diagrams, renderings and views (sections, perspectives) of buildings, landscapes, exhibition scenography, and exhibited items. The amount and type of materials varies largely between projects. Files were transferred to CCA on a CD and their timestamps suggests that materials were copied for reference purpose in the first few months of 1998. The CD cover bears the date of June 3rd 1999. Projects date from 1994 to 1998. Projects included in the reference files are: Barbican, London (OCEAN Helsinki): likely an exhibition design. Museum, Buenos Aires (OCEAN U.K., 1997): a building design for a competition. Finnish Embassy, Canberra (OCEAN Oslo & Helsinki, 1996): an international architectural competition entry. Helsinki Nightclub (OCEAN Helsinki): a building design. Jeil’s Hospital, Seoul (OCEAN U.K., 1996): a building design. Jyväskylä Music and Arts Center (OCEAN Oslo & Helsinki, 1997): an international architectural competition entry. See also Series 1 for more records on this project. Lasipalatsi Media Square (OCEAN U.K.): a landscape design. Synthetic Landscape I-II, Oslo (OCEAN Oslo, 1995-1996): a landscape design. See also Series 1 for more records on this research project. Surfscape, Helsinki (OCEAN Helsinki, 1997): sculpture for an exhibition. Töölö Football Stadium, Hels. (OCEAN Oslo & Helsinki, 1997): an international architectural competition entry. See also Series 1 for more records on this project. Urban Surfaces, Oslo (OCEAN, 1997-1998): photographs of an exhibition. Source: Ateljié Sotamaa. “Portfolio.” Accessed November 2017, OCEAN design Research Association, “Exhibitions.” Accessed November 2017, FRAC, “Catalog, OCEAN.” Accessed November 2017, OCEAN CN Consultancy Network, “Projects.” Accessed November 2017,
OCEAN reference files
Series consist of records associated with different projects devised by OCEAN and OCEAN North prior to 1999 and retained as reference material by Johan Bettum, who did not collaborate on every project. Records occasionally include some photographs, but for the most part are images from work done with CAD software. These include plans, diagrams, renderings and views (sections, perspectives) of buildings, landscapes, exhibition scenography, and exhibited items. The amount and type of materials varies largely between projects. Files were transferred to CCA on a CD and their timestamps suggests that materials were copied for reference purpose in the first few months of 1998. The CD cover bears the date of June 3rd 1999. Projects date from 1994 to 1998. Projects included in the reference files are: Barbican, London (OCEAN Helsinki): likely an exhibition design. Museum, Buenos Aires (OCEAN U.K., 1997): a building design for a competition. Finnish Embassy, Canberra (OCEAN Oslo & Helsinki, 1996): an international architectural competition entry. Helsinki Nightclub (OCEAN Helsinki): a building design. Jeil’s Hospital, Seoul (OCEAN U.K., 1996): a building design. Jyväskylä Music and Arts Center (OCEAN Oslo & Helsinki, 1997): an international architectural competition entry. See also Series 1 for more records on this project. Lasipalatsi Media Square (OCEAN U.K.): a landscape design. Synthetic Landscape I-II, Oslo (OCEAN Oslo, 1995-1996): a landscape design. See also Series 1 for more records on this research project. Surfscape, Helsinki (OCEAN Helsinki, 1997): sculpture for an exhibition. Töölö Football Stadium, Hels. (OCEAN Oslo & Helsinki, 1997): an international architectural competition entry. See also Series 1 for more records on this project. Urban Surfaces, Oslo (OCEAN, 1997-1998): photographs of an exhibition. Source: Ateljié Sotamaa. “Portfolio.” Accessed November 2017, OCEAN design Research Association, “Exhibitions.” Accessed November 2017, FRAC, “Catalog, OCEAN.” Accessed November 2017, OCEAN CN Consultancy Network, “Projects.” Accessed November 2017,
textual records
manifesto, signed by, amongst others, Erik Gunnar Asplund, rejected for publication for publication by editorial board of Oppositions magazine; includes photocopy of original Finnish text (written 1931) and typewritten English translation (unknown translator)
circa 1970-1981
manifesto, signed by, amongst others, Erik Gunnar Asplund, rejected for publication for publication by editorial board of Oppositions magazine; includes photocopy of original Finnish text (written 1931) and typewritten English translation (unknown translator)
textual records
circa 1970-1981
OCEAN North reference files
Series consists of reference documentation in the form of portfolios of selected materials from various OCEAN North projects. It is likely that Kivi Sotamaa did not contribute to all of the included projects. For the most part, records are images of work done with CAD software: preliminary drawings; fully developed plans and renderings of buildings; landscapes; and installations. Images also include digitized photographs of models and installations. Content from AP198.S2.001 – OCEAN North Portfolio 1999 consists primarily of this type of visual material and is organized per project. Additionally, a few textual records describe some of the projects. There are two versions of a general presentation document in Pagemaker. Content from AP198.S2.002 – OCEAN North Press CD 2000 is organized into three sections: “about'OCEANnorth”, “OCEANnorth_Essays”, and “OCEANnorth_Projects”. This last directory is further organized by year and by project, each project having a text and an image sub-directory. Overall, there are 48 textual records describing the network, its vision and its projects, alongside more than 200 raster images. The Jyväskylä Music and Arts Centre competition entry was not included in this project selection. The following projects are documented in this series: - Töölö Football Stadium, an international architectural competition entry. See also Series 1 for more records on this project. - Jyväskylä Music and Arts Centre, an international architectural competition entry. See also Series 1 for more records on this project. - Extraterrains, a furniture design project. - Finnish Embassy in Canberra, an international architectural competition entry. - Habitare Pavilion (1996 and 1997), exhibitions installations. - Chamberworks, an architectural installation for an exhibition. - a-drift NYT Time Capsule, a competition entry for a time capsule for the New York Times. - Synthetic Landscape Pavilion and Phases 1, 2 and 3, a landscape design. - Sandefjord Hotel, preliminary design. - Landscraper, design study for an exhibition. - IntenCities, multidisciplinary installation project. - Barbican’s Valo exhibition design. - Constantini (sic) Museum, a building design for a competition. - Kyoto, a study of urban design. - Jeil’s Hospital, a building design. - Urban Surfaces exhibition. Source: Ateljié Sotamaa. “Portfolio.” Accessed February 2018, FRAC, “Catalog, OCEAN.” Accessed February 2018, OCEAN CN Consultancy Network, “Projects.” Accessed February 2018,
OCEAN North reference files
Series consists of reference documentation in the form of portfolios of selected materials from various OCEAN North projects. It is likely that Kivi Sotamaa did not contribute to all of the included projects. For the most part, records are images of work done with CAD software: preliminary drawings; fully developed plans and renderings of buildings; landscapes; and installations. Images also include digitized photographs of models and installations. Content from AP198.S2.001 – OCEAN North Portfolio 1999 consists primarily of this type of visual material and is organized per project. Additionally, a few textual records describe some of the projects. There are two versions of a general presentation document in Pagemaker. Content from AP198.S2.002 – OCEAN North Press CD 2000 is organized into three sections: “about'OCEANnorth”, “OCEANnorth_Essays”, and “OCEANnorth_Projects”. This last directory is further organized by year and by project, each project having a text and an image sub-directory. Overall, there are 48 textual records describing the network, its vision and its projects, alongside more than 200 raster images. The Jyväskylä Music and Arts Centre competition entry was not included in this project selection. The following projects are documented in this series: - Töölö Football Stadium, an international architectural competition entry. See also Series 1 for more records on this project. - Jyväskylä Music and Arts Centre, an international architectural competition entry. See also Series 1 for more records on this project. - Extraterrains, a furniture design project. - Finnish Embassy in Canberra, an international architectural competition entry. - Habitare Pavilion (1996 and 1997), exhibitions installations. - Chamberworks, an architectural installation for an exhibition. - a-drift NYT Time Capsule, a competition entry for a time capsule for the New York Times. - Synthetic Landscape Pavilion and Phases 1, 2 and 3, a landscape design. - Sandefjord Hotel, preliminary design. - Landscraper, design study for an exhibition. - IntenCities, multidisciplinary installation project. - Barbican’s Valo exhibition design. - Constantini (sic) Museum, a building design for a competition. - Kyoto, a study of urban design. - Jeil’s Hospital, a building design. - Urban Surfaces exhibition. Source: Ateljié Sotamaa. “Portfolio.” Accessed February 2018, FRAC, “Catalog, OCEAN.” Accessed February 2018, OCEAN CN Consultancy Network, “Projects.” Accessed February 2018,