This series documents Melvin Charney's artistic, architecture and design projects from 1950 to 2012. It includes material related to his installations, architectural projects, his artworks and photographic projects. This series contains over 70 projects, including Charney's proposal for the Canadian government pavilion for the Japan world exposition, in Osaka, in 1967, his design for the Canadian tribute to human rights, in Ottawa, in 1986-1987, his installation Les maison de la rue Sherbrooke presented during the Corridart in 1976 for the Montréal Summer Olympics and Un dictionnaire presented, amongts others, at the 7th Venice Biennale in 2000.
The series drawings and sketches, such as conceptual, design development, presentation and working drawings as well as some his mixed media artworks. It also contains some photographs including photographs of the installations design by Charney, reference photographs, textual documents, such as notes, rapports and proposals, correspondence and reference materials.
Materials in this series are arranged in chronological order by the project’s start year.
Langue et écriture des documents
English, French, Dutch, German, Hebrew, Japanese, Korean
Sources complémentaires
For more material related to press coverage of Melvin Charney's project the series AP041.S5.SS01. Photographic materials related to projects are also arranged under another series to preserve the original order in which the documents were acquired by the CCA. This material is arranged under the sub-series AP041.S6.SS04.
For more materials related to the group exhibitions or exhibition curated by Melvin Charney in which some of the projects included in this series were presented, see also the series AP041.S3.
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