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Housing Research Projects
Series related to the Minimum Cost Housing Group projects and publications, including the publications known as the "The Problem is" series about low-cost housing between 1971 and 1978 and all the other publications related to projects from 1984 to 2004. This series documents publications about the projects of prefabricated houses for the developing countries, a self-sufficient habitable low-cost house, low-cost sanitation systems, sulphur concrete for low-cost housing, building components from secondary use, rooftop gardens and urban agriculture, domestic water saving devices, human settlement developement or improvement in developping countries and in Native American communities. The material in this series was produced between 1970 and 2011. The file contains textual records, mainly dummies for the publications, office records and reports, photographic material related to the projects, copies of the publications, a few drawings and plans related to the housing project and samples of the sulphur bricks developed by the Minimum Cost Housing Group.
The series is arranged chronologically by year of project
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