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Block 11 e 12, Kottbusser Damm [11-12 Kottbusser Damm], Berlin, Germany (1979-1981)
circa 1979-1981
The project series documents the 1980 design entry for Block 11-12 (Kottbusser Damm). While the records were held in the office’s archives this project was assigned the number 3/80. The office assigned the date 1980 for this project. This project was submitted to the International Architectural Exhibition Berlin competition (International Bauaustellung, IBA, circa 1979-1987), an urban renewal strategy for West Berlin, Germany. Siza had previously submitted three other projects to this competition: the Görtlitzer Bad swimming pool, Block 70 and 89 (Fränkelufer residential complex), and Block 121 (Bonjour Tristesse), which was his first built international project. He would later submit design proposals for two other projects: Monument to Gestapo victims Prinz-Albrecht-Palais and the Kulturforum.
The design proposal for Block 11-12 was for a residential building on Kottbusserstrasse in Kreuzberg. Documenting the design proposal are drawings, photographs, negatives, slides, and textual documentation. Among the drawings are sketches, studies, elevations, floor plans, and site plans. Photographs and negatives depict the project site and surrounding area; additionally there are slides of drawings and the model. Also included is a work contract from the IBA signed by Siza and IBA official Hardt-Waltherr Hämer, as well as several notes and calculations. Note that textual documentation in this project series includes materials on Block 70 and 89, see AP178.S1.1980.PR03.008. Sketches in this project series may also include sketches related to other Berlin projects, such as Block 70 and 89.
Material in this series was arranged by Álvaro Siza’s office and has been kept in this order.
Berlin Allemagne
When citing the collection as a whole, use the citation: Álvaro Siza fonds, Collection Centre Canadien d’Architecture/Canadian Centre for Architecture, Montréal. When citing specific collection material, please refer to the object’s specific credit line.
German, English
Trier par:
Original file title: Concurso Block 11 e 12 conferir. Includes note from Siza's office : ver 1 esquico com Moldura.
1 File
Sheet: 21 x 30 cm
Álvaro Siza fonds
Collection Centre Canadien d'Architecture/
Canadian Centre for Architecture, Montréal
Don d’Álvaro Siza/
Gift of Álvaro Siza
Original file title: Todos de Berlim? Para conferir.
A note from Siza's office indicates that several projects, specifically regarding Berlin, are represented in these sketches.
1 File
Sheet: 21 x 30 cm
Álvaro Siza fonds
Collection Centre Canadien d'Architecture/
Canadian Centre for Architecture, Montréal
Don d’Álvaro Siza/
Gift of Álvaro Siza
Original file title: Concurso: Block 11 e 12 Berlim originais.
Note from Siza's office indicates that sheet 1 is missing.
1 File
Sheet: 60 x 43 cm
Álvaro Siza fonds
Collection Centre Canadien d'Architecture/
Canadian Centre for Architecture, Montréal
Don d’Álvaro Siza/
Gift of Álvaro Siza
Objets catalogués:
Original file title: Concurso Block 11 e 12 Berlim copias em papel.
1 File
Sheet: 60 x 43 cm
Álvaro Siza fonds
Collection Centre Canadien d'Architecture/
Canadian Centre for Architecture, Montréal
Don d’Álvaro Siza/
Gift of Álvaro Siza
Original file title: Concurso: Block 11 e 12 Berlim matrizes e levantamentos.
1 File
Sheet (largest): 60 x 43 cm|Sheet (smallest): 22 x 20 cm
Álvaro Siza fonds
Collection Centre Canadien d'Architecture/
Canadian Centre for Architecture, Montréal
Don d’Álvaro Siza/
Gift of Álvaro Siza
Original file title: Concurso: Block 11 e 12 Berlim matrizes e levantamentos.
1 File
Sheet (largest): 85 x 69 cm|Sheet (smallest): 75 x 51 cm
Álvaro Siza fonds
Collection Centre Canadien d'Architecture/
Canadian Centre for Architecture, Montréal
Don d’Álvaro Siza/
Gift of Álvaro Siza
Original file title: Concurso - Kottbusser Damm - Block 11 e 12 - Berlim.
Siza's office numbered photographic materials in this file KD 001-009.
1 File
11 photographs, 6 35mm negatives strips, other materials
Álvaro Siza fonds
Collection Centre Canadien d'Architecture/
Canadian Centre for Architecture, Montréal
Don d’Álvaro Siza/
Gift of Álvaro Siza
Original file title: 1980 Block 11 e 12 - Kreuzberg Kottbusser Damm [Concurso], Berlim, Ale.
Siza's office numbered slides in this file KD 010-013. Note that some of the slides are labeled incorrectly.
1 File
Álvaro Siza fonds
Collection Centre Canadien d'Architecture/
Canadian Centre for Architecture, Montréal
Don d’Álvaro Siza/
Gift of Álvaro Siza
Original file title: 1979 Frankelufer Block 70 und 89 1980 Kottbusser Damm Block 11 e 12.
Note that documentation for Block 70 and 89 is also included in this file. The file includes a work contract from the IBA signed by Siza and IBA official Hardt-Waltherr Hämer, as well as several notes and calculations.
1 File
Sheet: 21 x 31 cm
Includes folded reprographic copies.
Álvaro Siza fonds
Collection Centre Canadien d'Architecture/
Canadian Centre for Architecture, Montréal
Don d’Álvaro Siza/
Gift of Álvaro Siza
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