Construction documentation
1997 - 2016
Series 2: Construction documentation, 1997 – 2016, consists of over 5100 born-digital files that relate to the construction and construction documentation phases of the Austrian Hypo Alpe-Adria Center. The majority of the records date from 1999 to 2003.
This series relates to construction and largely contains CAD drawings and photographs which demonstrate the progress of the project in the built environment over time. The roughly 3600 drawings in this series include floorplans, detail documentation, as-built drawings, shop drawings, elevations, and site plans. CAD formats represented include PowerCAD, PowerDraw, Microstation, and AutoCAD. There are also approximately 200 3D models and plans completed in Form*Z. These were likely used for renderings and 3D printing.
This series also contains a significant number of images, including renderings and photographs of the construction site and physical model. Notably, there are a number of high resolution photographs of the Hypo Alpe-Adria exterior. There is also a small amount of related textual documentation.
This series contains a large number of unidentified files. Files with no extension were created on a Mac computer and are most likely PowerCAD files. Files with the extension .PD6 are PowerDraw files. Both file types were not able to be opened at the time of processing. Files ending with certain file extensions (.bse, .poc, .s01) are native to Microstation. The .bse files are base files containing line drawings, and the .poc and .poc2 files are poché files which layer colors, textures, and patterns over the base files. The .s01 files apply scale to the base files. It is unclear what the files with extensions .dg2 and .v000 are, but they seem to relate to the other Microstation files. The Form*Z files are accessible using Form*Z 6 RenderZone Plus. Some Form*Z files are missing some external references or contain other minor errors.
Materials in this series were grouped topically as much as possible, based on the received order and original directory structure, and then arranged in rough chronological order.
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Files also include unidentified PowerCAD and PowerDraw files. Original directory names: "HYP_3DPrint_Drawings_Renderings", "20400HYP_01.07.2003", "HYP_CD1_09_16_03_Data.3DPrinter.Correspondents", and "HYP_CD2_09_16_03_FMZ_Images_Max_PDF_09_16_03". Most common file formats: Unidentified, form*Z Project File, Microsoft Excel 97 Workbook (xls), Drawing Interchange File Format (ASCII), Acrobat PDF 1.2 - Portable Document Format.
1 File
The Form*Z files are accessible using Form*Z 6 RenderZone Plus. Some Form*Z files are missing some external references or contain other minor errors. There were a number of files that were unidentified at the time of processing. Files without file extensions were created on Mac computers, and are very likely PowerCAD drawings. Files with the extension .PD6 are PowerDraw files. It was not possible to open these files at the time of processing.
These four directories were moved together due to their overlapping or related content.
Morphosis Hypo Alpe-Adria Center project records,
Canadian Centre for Architecture, Montréal;
Gift of Morphosis.
Original directory name: "HYP_CD4_Part3_09_16_03_DGN_3CD". Most common file formats: Unidentified, Microstation CAD Drawing, Bentley V8 DGN, AutoCAD Drawing, Drawing Interchange File Format (ASCII).
1 File
This directory contains a large number of unidentified files. Files with no extension were created on a Mac computer and are most likely PowerCAD files. Files with the extension .PD6 are PowerDraw files. Both file types were not able to be opened at the time of processing. Files ending with certain file extensions (.bse, .poc, .s01) are native to Microstation. The .bse files are base files containing line drawings, and the .poc and .poc2 files are poché files, which layer colors, textures, and patterns over the base files. The .s01 files apply scale to the base files.
Morphosis Hypo Alpe-Adria Center project records,
Canadian Centre for Architecture, Montréal;
Gift of Morphosis.
Original directory name: "HYP_16_images". Most common file formats: Tagged Image File Format.
1 File
These JPG files open most consistently using Windows Photo Viewer.
Morphosis Hypo Alpe-Adria Center project records,
Canadian Centre for Architecture, Montréal;
Gift of Morphosis.
Original directory name: "HYP_Hypo_III_Images_FormZ_models_01_03_29". Most common file formats: JPEG File Interchange Format, Unidentified, form*Z Project File, Adobe Photoshop, Tagged Image File Format.
1 File
The Form*Z files are accessible using Form*Z 6 RenderZone Plus. Some Form*Z files are missing some external references or contain other minor errors. Files ending with certain file extensions (.bse, .poc, .poc2) are native to Microstation. The .bse files are base files containing line drawings, and the .poc and .poc2 files are poché files which layer colors, textures, and patterns over the base files. It is unclear what the files with extensions .dg2 and .v000 are, but they seem to relate to the other Microstation files. Additionally, it appears that one file, "hyp3-5.jpg", is corrupted.
Morphosis Hypo Alpe-Adria Center project records,
Canadian Centre for Architecture, Montréal;
Gift of Morphosis.
These files were migrated to Form*Z v. 8 6-7 and v. 8 for access. The files originally appeared as part of AP192.S2.004 in directory "HYP_Hypo_III_Images_FormZ_models_01_03_29/FMZ/Current/07-19-00/PRIMITIVEFILES". Most common file formats: Form*Z Project File.
1 File
These files open in Form*Z v. 6-8.
Morphosis Hypo Alpe-Adria Center project records,
Canadian Centre for Architecture, Montréal;
Gift of Morphosis.
Original directory name: "20400HPY_09.16.2003_Present_Toast". Most common file formats: Unidentified, Microstation CAD Drawing, Hewlett Packard Vector Graphic Plotter File, Microsoft Excel 97 Workbook (xls).
1 File
This directory contains a large number of unidentified files. Files ending with certain file extensions (.bse, .poc, .s01) are native to Microstation. The .bse files are base files containing line drawings, and the .poc and .poc2 files are poché files which layer colors, textures, and patterns over the base files. The .s01 files apply scale to the base files.
Morphosis Hypo Alpe-Adria Center project records,
Canadian Centre for Architecture, Montréal;
Gift of Morphosis.
Original directory name: "HYP_CD5_Part2_09_16_03_DWG_RECEIVED". Most common file formats: AutoCAD Drawing, Unidentified, Hewlett Packard Vector Graphic Plotter File, Drawing Interchange File Format (ASCII), Microsoft Print File.
1 File
This directory contains a large number of unidentified files. Files with no extension were created on a Mac computer and are most likely PowerCAD files. This file type was not able to be opened at the time of processing. Files ending with certain file extensions (.bse, .s01) are native to Microstation. The .bse files are base files containing line drawings. The .s01 files apply scale to the base files.
The received order of reflects the sent date of the files demonstrating the project's progress over time.
Morphosis Hypo Alpe-Adria Center project records,
Canadian Centre for Architecture, Montréal;
Gift of Morphosis.
Original directory names: "HYP_CD6_Part1_09_16_03_DXF_Received" and "HYP_CD6_Part2_09_16_03_DXF_Sent_Transfer". Most common file formats: Drawing Interchange File Format, Unidentified, Hewlett Packard Vector Graphic Plotter File, AutoCAD Drawings, Microsoft Excel 97 Workbook (xls).
1 File
Files ending with certain file extensions (.bse, .s01) are native to Microstation. The .bse files are base files containing line drawings. The .s01 files apply scale to the base files. Additionally, a small number of DXF files appear to be corrupted.
The received order reflects the sent date of the files demonstrating the project's progress over time. These two directories were grouped together due to their related content.
Morphosis Hypo Alpe-Adria Center project records,
Canadian Centre for Architecture, Montréal;
Gift of Morphosis.
Original directory names: "HYP_CD4_Part1_09_16_03_DGN" and "HYP_CD7_09_16_2003_Sent_Received2_Defaults". Most common file formats: Unidentified, Microstation CAD Drawing, Drawing Interchange File Format (ASCII), Microsoft Excel 97 Workbook (xls), Bentley V8 DGN.
1 File
Files ending with certain file extensions (.bse, .poc, .poc2) are native to Microstation. The .bse files are base files containing line drawings, and the .poc and .poc2 files are poché files which layer colors, textures, and patterns over the base files.
These two directories were moved together due to their overlapping content.
Morphosis Hypo Alpe-Adria Center project records,
Canadian Centre for Architecture, Montréal;
Gift of Morphosis.
Original directory name: "3D_Print_for_the_office_HYP_Ren_ASW". Most common file formats: form*Z Project File, STL (Standard Tessellation Language) Binary, AutoCAD Drawing, Back Up File, Unidentified.
1 File
The Form*Z files are accessible using Form*Z 6 RenderZone Plus. The files ending with the extension .bld are of an unknown format and were not opened at the time of processing.
Morphosis Hypo Alpe-Adria Center project records,
Canadian Centre for Architecture, Montréal;
Gift of Morphosis.
Original directory name: "HYP_CD4_Part2_09_16_13_DGN-PLOT". Most common file formats: Hewlett Packard Vector Graphic Plotter File, Plain Text File, AutoCAD Drawing, Microsoft Excel 97 Workbook (xls).
1 File
Morphosis Hypo Alpe-Adria Center project records,
Canadian Centre for Architecture, Montréal;
Gift of Morphosis.
Original directory name: "HYP_CD5_Part1_09_16_03_DWG_Current_Sent" and "HYP_19_12_02". Most common file formats: AutoCAD Drawing, Drawing Interchange File Format (ASCII), AutoCAD Colour-Dependant Plot Style Table, Microsoft Word Document Template, Plain Text File.
1 File
Many of the files with the extension .dwg successfully open using AutoCAD 2014, though it does not appear to be the files' native format. Some external references are also missing from some files. The file "3763M-PRPLA-01-07.dwg" has three errors that cannot be repaired.
These two directories were moved together due to their related content. For "HYP_CD5_Part1_09_16_03_DWG_Current_Sent", the received order of reflects the sent date of the files demonstrating the project's progress over time.
Morphosis Hypo Alpe-Adria Center project records,
Canadian Centre for Architecture, Montréal;
Gift of Morphosis.
Original directory name: "HYP_1.1". Most common file formats: Tagged Image File Format, Quicktime.
1 File
Morphosis Hypo Alpe-Adria Center project records,
Canadian Centre for Architecture, Montréal;
Gift of Morphosis.
Original directory name: "HYP_Phase_1_05_04_15_Conf.Room". Most common file formats: Unidentified, Drawing Interchange File Format (ASCII), JPEG File Interchange Format, Bentley V8 DGN, Acrobat PDF 1.4 - Portable Document Format.
1 File
This directory contains a large number of unidentified files. Files with no extension were created on a Mac computer and are most likely PowerCAD files. Files with the extension .PD6 are PowerDraw files. Both file types were not able to be opened at the time of processing.
Morphosis Hypo Alpe-Adria Center project records,
Canadian Centre for Architecture, Montréal;
Gift of Morphosis.
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