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Works and teaching
Approximately three hundred of Kenneth Frampton’s lectures and writings, produced between1965-2016, are arranged in this series. This series is divided into nine subseries according to Frampton’s most seminal works and academic positions. The series is mainly comprised of drafts, notes, photographic materials, drawings, correspondence, and research materials related to the development of Frampton’s ideas and writings on architecture as well as his lectures and courses at various universities such as Princeton and Columbia University. The last subseries, “Books, articles, interviews, lectures, and seminars” contains drafts, notes, photographic materials, correspondence and research materials related to other writings and projects either published or unpublished.
Materials in this series are divided into nine subseries. The first eight subseries were processed at the file-level and are largely arranged chronologically according to the work’s publication date. These eight subseries are arranged as follows:
AP197.S1.SS1: Maison de Verre (1965, 1969) – In 1965, with Robert Vickery and Michael Carapetian, Frampton travelled to Paris to measure the Maison de Verre. Originally with the intention to publish this research as a book, the research was subsequently published as an arcticle entitled "Maison de Verre" in a 1969 volume of "Perspecta."
AP197.S1.SS2: Princeton University, Columbia University, and other academic affiliations – In 1967, Frampton was appointed Associate professor at the Graduate School of Architecture and Urban Planning, Princeton University. In 1972, he left Princeton for Colulmbia University's Graduate School of Architecture, Planning and Preservation where he was promoted from Associate professor to Ware Professor of Architecture in 1974.
AP197.S1.SS3: Institute for Architecture and Urban Studies (IAUS) (1970-1982) – In 1970, Frampton became a Fellow of IAUS.
AP197.S1.SS4: Modern architecture: a critical history (1968-1980, 2018)
AP197.S1.SS5: Critical regionalism (1983)
AP197.S1.SS6: Studies in tectonic culture (1984-2018)
AP197.S1.SS7: Labor, work and architecture (1966-1969, 1981-2008)
AP197.S1.SS8: Comparative critical analysis (1973-2015, 2018)
The last subseries AP197.S1.SS9 “Books, articles, reviews, lectures, and juries” documents several of Frampton's writtings and is arranged in alphabetical order by topic, in most cases by architect’s last name or title of the publication, and was processed at the box-level.
Materials were largely stored at the Avery Building, Columbia University, New York.
Mostly English, French , Italian , Spanish
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