Projects featured in The SAAL Process exhibition
The SAAL Process exhibition discussed ten influential SAAL projects. This series contains several reproductions of seven of the projects documented in the exhibit. The projects were mainly in Porto, but also in Lisbon and Setúbal, Portugal. The reproductions included in this series cover the following projects: Bairro Quinta do Bacalhau–Monte Coxo, Lisbon; Leal, Porto; Antas, Porto; São Victor, Porto; Miragaia, Porto; Casal das Figueiras, Setúbal; and Quinta da Bela Flor, Lisbon.
Not included in the collection, but documented by the exhibition, are the exhibited materials for: Bairro da Quinta das Fonsecas–Quinta da Calçada, Lisbon; Meia-Praia–Apeadeiro, Algarve; and Curraleira–Embrechados, Lisbon.
- Bairro da Quinta das Fonsecas–Quinta da Calçada, Lisbon: A project of neighbourhood by Raúl Hestnes Ferreira with the participation of the resident associations Cooperativa de Habitação Económica 25 de Abril and Cooperativa de Habitação Económica Unidade do Povo, in 1974-1975?. The first phase includes 314 dwellings and the second 301 dwellings.
- Meia-Praia–Apeadeiro, Algarve: A project by José Veloso with the participation of the residents' association 25 de Abril (1975). It includes 36 dwellings.
- Curraleira–Embrechados, Lisbon: A project by José António Paradela and Luís Gravata Filipe with the participation of the residents' associations Cooperativa de Habitação Económica Bairro Horizonte and Cooperativa de Habitação Económica Lisboa Nova, in 1976. The first phase includes 768 dwellings and the second 170 dwellings.
The collection contains reproductions of design development drawings, presentation panels and photographic materials dating from 1974 to 1979 that were realised during the SAAL Process. The material shows samples of built and unfinished housing projects in Portugal.
Material in this series is arranged chronologically by project start year.
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