Form*Z 3D models and plans, composite photograph of completed construction, renderings, and related textual documentation for Hypo Alpe-Adria Center, Phase 3
14 April 1997 - 23 May 2003
Files also include unidentified PowerCAD and PowerDraw files. Original directory names: "HYP_3DPrint_Drawings_Renderings", "20400HYP_01.07.2003", "HYP_CD1_09_16_03_Data.3DPrinter.Correspondents", and "HYP_CD2_09_16_03_FMZ_Images_Max_PDF_09_16_03". Most common file formats: Unidentified, form*Z Project File, Microsoft Excel 97 Workbook (xls), Drawing Interchange File Format (ASCII), Acrobat PDF 1.2 - Portable Document Format.
The Form*Z files are accessible using Form*Z 6 RenderZone Plus. Some Form*Z files are missing some external references or contain other minor errors. There were a number of files that were unidentified at the time of processing. Files without file extensions were created on Mac computers, and are very likely PowerCAD drawings. Files with the extension .PD6 are PowerDraw files. It was not possible to open these files at the time of processing.
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