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Of the architects who made Palm Springs a crucible of midcentury American modernism, William F. Cody (1916-1978) was one of the most prolific, diverse, and iconic. Directing a practice ranging from residences to commercial centers and industrial complexes to master plans, Cody's designs are so recognizable that they provide visual shorthand for what is widely hailed as(...)
Architecture, monographies
septembre 2021
Master of the midcentury: the architecture of Williiam F. Cody
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Of the architects who made Palm Springs a crucible of midcentury American modernism, William F. Cody (1916-1978) was one of the most prolific, diverse, and iconic. Directing a practice ranging from residences to commercial centers and industrial complexes to master plans, Cody's designs are so recognizable that they provide visual shorthand for what is widely hailed as "Desert Modern." While his architecture was disciplined and technically innovative, Cody did not practice an austere modernism; he imbued in his projects a love for social spaces, rich with patterns, texture, color, and art. Though the majority of Cody's built work was concentrated in California and Arizona, he had commissions in other western states, Hawaii, Mexico, Honduras, and Cuba. From icons like the Del Marcos Hotel (1946), to inventive country clubs like the Eldorado (1957), to houses for celebrities (Frank Sinatra, Bing Crosby, Walt Disney), Cody's projects defined the emerging West Coast lifestyle that combined luxury, leisure, and experimental design. Cody also pushed the boundaries of engineering, with beams and roof slabs so thin that his buildings seemed to defy gravity.
Architecture, monographies
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Arthur Elrod was the most successful interior designer working in the Palm Springs area from 1954 to 1974. His forward-thinking midcentury interior design appeared in primary homes, second houses, third houses, spec houses, country clubs, and experimental houses- in the desert and across the US. He was charming, handsome, and worked tirelessly for his A-list clientele,(...)
Arthur Elrod: Desert modern design
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Arthur Elrod was the most successful interior designer working in the Palm Springs area from 1954 to 1974. His forward-thinking midcentury interior design appeared in primary homes, second houses, third houses, spec houses, country clubs, and experimental houses- in the desert and across the US. He was charming, handsome, and worked tirelessly for his A-list clientele, such as Lucille Ball and Walt Disney. Perhaps his most famous work was done in his own home, known as the Elrod House in Palm Springs, built by architect John Lautner in 1968. His rise paralleled the growing modernist movement in desert architecture, and he worked alongside the leading California architects of the day including E. Stewart Williams, William F. Cody, Paul R. Williams, Edward Fickett and, most famously, John Lautner. Elrod's life was cut tragically short when the convertible he was riding in was hit by a drunk driver one morning in February 1974; he was 49. This in-depth biography is the first and only of its kind.
Design d’intérieur
The Strip
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The Las Vegas Strip has impersonated the Wild West, with saloon doors and wagon wheels; it has decked itself out in midcentury modern sleekness. It has illuminated itself with twenty-story-high neon signs, then junked them. After that came Disney-like theme parks featuring castles and pirates, followed by replicas of Venetian canals, New York skyscrapers, and the Eiffel(...)
The Strip
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The Las Vegas Strip has impersonated the Wild West, with saloon doors and wagon wheels; it has decked itself out in midcentury modern sleekness. It has illuminated itself with twenty-story-high neon signs, then junked them. After that came Disney-like theme parks featuring castles and pirates, followed by replicas of Venetian canals, New York skyscrapers, and the Eiffel Tower. (It might be noted that forty-two million people visited Las Vegas in 2015—ten million more than visited the real Paris.) More recently, the Strip decided to get classy, with casinos designed by famous architects and zillion-dollar collections of art. Las Vegas became the “implosion capital of the world” as developers, driven by competition, got rid of the old to make way for the new—offering a non-metaphorical definition of “creative destruction.” In "The StripW, Stefan Al examines the many transformations of the Las Vegas Strip, arguing that they mirror transformations in America itself. The Strip is not, as popularly supposed, a display of architectural freaks but representative of architectural trends and a record of social, cultural, and economic change.
Théorie de l’urbanisme
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The spectacularly successful transformation of Times Square has become a model for other cities. From its beginning as Longacre Square, Times Square’s commercialism, signage, cultural diversity, and social tolerance have been deeply embedded in New York City’s psyche. Its symbolic role guaranteed that any plan for its renewal would push the hot buttons of public(...)
Times Square Roulette : remaking the city icon
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The spectacularly successful transformation of Times Square has become a model for other cities. From its beginning as Longacre Square, Times Square’s commercialism, signage, cultural diversity, and social tolerance have been deeply embedded in New York City’s psyche. Its symbolic role guaranteed that any plan for its renewal would push the hot buttons of public controversy: free speech, property-taking through eminent domain, development density, tax subsidy, and historic preservation. In "Times Square Roulette", Lynne Sagalyn debunks the myth of an overnight urban miracle performed by Disney and Mayor Giuliani, to tell the far more complex and commanding tale of a twenty-year process of public controversy, nonstop litigation, and interminable delay. She tells how the troubled execution of the original redevelopment plan provided a rare opportunity to rescript it. And timing was all: the mid-1990s saw rising international corporate interest in the city as a mecca for mass-market entertainment and synergistic merchandising. Sagalyn details the complex relationship between planning and politics and the role of market forces in shaping Times Square’s redevelopment opportunities. She shows how policy was wedded to deal making and how persistent individuals and groups forged both.
octobre 2001, Cambridge, Mass.
Théorie de l’urbanisme
Elvis road
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This long, speechless comic is read as one 20-ft fold-out page; it's half Saul Steinberg on drugs, half insane doodle. Porn shops, playgrounds and sports arenas mix in the crowded urban scene, where everyone seems to be going somewhere, really desperate, or about to do something wicked and fun. Strange vehicles crowd the road, which serves up race cars, tanks, and a huge(...)
Elvis road
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This long, speechless comic is read as one 20-ft fold-out page; it's half Saul Steinberg on drugs, half insane doodle. Porn shops, playgrounds and sports arenas mix in the crowded urban scene, where everyone seems to be going somewhere, really desperate, or about to do something wicked and fun. Strange vehicles crowd the road, which serves up race cars, tanks, and a huge "parfum" tanker truck in one long traffic jam. The simple line drawings use images from World War II, as well as from underground comics of the late '60s through to the present (any references to superheroes and Disney-like characters are purely ironic). The depictions of Klansmen and Nazis seem part of the social critique, perhaps reinforcing the underlying idea that life stuffed to the gills with items that fulfill our every need is itself a form of fascism. There's always something new to see, and much occurs in the cramped spaces, such as when a happy cop ushers small creatures into a theme park called "Cuteland," or when fascist worshipers are hit by a flaming asteroid that leaves a trail of yogurt in which people drown. A strong art-book that's actually a lot of fun.
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Val d’Europe, la ville nouvelle qui s’édifie à proximité des parcs d’attraction de Disney à Marne la Vallée, vient d’inaugurer une nouvelle place unique en son genre en France, la place de Toscane. Celle-ci est inspirée de la célèbre place médiévale de la ville de Lucca, la piazza anfiteatro, qui épouse la forme de l’ancien amphithéâtre dont elle occupe le site. Elle a(...)
Architecture, monographies
février 2008, Bruxelles
Pier Carlo Bontempi: Piazza Nuova
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Val d’Europe, la ville nouvelle qui s’édifie à proximité des parcs d’attraction de Disney à Marne la Vallée, vient d’inaugurer une nouvelle place unique en son genre en France, la place de Toscane. Celle-ci est inspirée de la célèbre place médiévale de la ville de Lucca, la piazza anfiteatro, qui épouse la forme de l’ancien amphithéâtre dont elle occupe le site. Elle a été dessinée par un grand architecte de Parme, Pier Carlo Bontempi. De forme ovale, elle accueille des commerces mais aussi des appartements qui donnent sur sa superbe fontaine en pierre et sur de calmes patios intérieurs. Elle constitue un nouveau pôle d’animation de la ville nouvelle vers lequel convergent une galerie commerciale et des rues. A proximité immédiate de la nouvelle place de la Mairie avec laquelle elle s’articule, elle forme un ensemble qui témoigne de la renaissance de l’urbanisme en France. L’architecte Pier Carlo Bontempi, architecte et designer diplômé de l’Université de Florence, a installé son agence dans une superbe maison de campagne à proximité de Parme. De nombreuses publications ont été consacrées à ses créations et il a été lauréat de nombreux concours. En 2000, il a reçu le prestigieux prix américain John Burgee. Il a remporté le concours pour la réalisation de la place de Toscane en 2002.
Architecture, monographies
Gehry draws
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Everyone knows what the distinctive curves and lines of Frank Gehry's buildings look like. But where do they come from? Gehry has described drawing as his way of "thinking aloud"; Gehry Draws traces that thinking through 32 major projects (both built and unbuilt) with more than 500 drawings (many of which have never before been published) and more than 400 additional(...)
Architecture, monographies
octobre 2004, Cambridge, Mass.
Gehry draws
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Everyone knows what the distinctive curves and lines of Frank Gehry's buildings look like. But where do they come from? Gehry has described drawing as his way of "thinking aloud"; Gehry Draws traces that thinking through 32 major projects (both built and unbuilt) with more than 500 drawings (many of which have never before been published) and more than 400 additional illustrations -- providing a privileged view of the creative practice of a master architect. Horst Bredekamp's introduction relates Gehry's drawing methods to the concept of "disegno," as practiced by Leonardo and Durer -- not only the act of drawing and modeling but also the dynamics of creative thinking -- and shows how Gehry thinks through the curving movements of his hand on paper. Gehry himself describes for Bredekamp his method in several explanatory sketches, and Bredekamp applies this to a study of drawings made for specific Gehry commissions. Gehry Draws is produced in collaboration with Frank Gehry and his team at Gehry Partners. Project synopses and commentary by Gehry and two of his Partners and Project Designers, Edwin Chan and Craig Webb, guide us through the full range of Gehry production, from the small details of furniture design to such large-scale undertakings as the Disney Concert Hall and the Guggenheim Museum in Bilbao. The drawings, illustrations, and text in Gehry Draws definitively place drawing at the heart of Frank Gehry's creative process.
octobre 2004, Cambridge, Mass.
Architecture, monographies
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Industrialization created cities of Dickensian squalor that were crowded, smoky, dirty, and disease-ridden. By the beginning of the twentieth century, urban visionaries were looking for ways to improve living and working conditions in industrial cities. In "Invented Edens", Robert Kargon and Arthur Molella trace the arc of one form of urban design, which they term the(...)
Architecture écologique
octobre 2005, Cambridge (MA), London
Invented Edens : techno-cities of the twentieth century
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Industrialization created cities of Dickensian squalor that were crowded, smoky, dirty, and disease-ridden. By the beginning of the twentieth century, urban visionaries were looking for ways to improve living and working conditions in industrial cities. In "Invented Edens", Robert Kargon and Arthur Molella trace the arc of one form of urban design, which they term the techno-city : a planned city developed in conjunction with large industrial or technological enterprises, blending the technological and the pastoral, the mill town and the garden city. Techno-cities of the twentieth century range from factory towns in Mussolini's Italy to the Disney creation of Celebration, Florida. Kargon and Molella show that the techno-city represents an experiment in integrating modern technology into the world of ideal life. Techno-cities mirror society's understanding of current technologies and, at the same time, seek to regain the lost virtues of the edenic pre-industrial village. The idea of the techno-city transcended ideologies, crossed national borders, and spanned the entire twentieth century. Kargon and Molella map the concept through a series of exemplars. These include Norris, Tennessee, home to the Tennessee Valley Authority; Torviscosa, Italy, built by Italy's Fascist government to accommodate synthetic textile manufacturing (and featured in an early short by Michelangelo Antonioni); Ciudad Guayana, Venezuela, planned by a team from MIT and Harvard; and, finally, Disney's Celebration - perhaps the ultimate techno-city, a fantasy city reflecting an era in which virtual experiences are rapidly replacing actual ones.
Architecture écologique
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Instructive, amusing, colorful—pictorial maps have been used and admired since the first medieval cartographer put pen to paper depicting mountains and trees across countries, people and objects around margins, and sea monsters in oceans. More recent generations of pictorial map artists have continued that traditional mixture of whimsy and fact, combining cartographic(...)
Picturing America: the golden age of pictorial maps
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Instructive, amusing, colorful—pictorial maps have been used and admired since the first medieval cartographer put pen to paper depicting mountains and trees across countries, people and objects around margins, and sea monsters in oceans. More recent generations of pictorial map artists have continued that traditional mixture of whimsy and fact, combining cartographic elements with text and images and featuring bold and arresting designs, bright and cheerful colors, and lively detail. In the United States, the art form flourished from the 1920s through the 1970s, when thousands of innovative maps were mass-produced for use as advertisements and decorative objects—the golden age of American pictorial maps. "Picturing America" is the first book to showcase this vivid and popular genre of maps. Geographer Stephen J. Hornsby gathers together 158 delightful pictorial jewels, most drawn from the extensive collections of the Library of Congress. In his informative introduction, Hornsby outlines the development of the cartographic form, identifies several representative artists, describes the process of creating a pictorial map, and considers the significance of the form in the history of Western cartography. Organized into six thematic sections, "Picturing America" covers a vast swath of the pictorial map tradition during its golden age, ranging from “Maps to Amuse” to “Maps for War.” Hornsby has unearthed the most fascinating and visually striking maps the United States has to offer: Disney cartoon maps, college campus maps, kooky state tourism ads, World War II promotional posters, and many more.
xiii, 459 pages : illustrations (some color), maps (some color) ; 29 cm
Boston : Pearson, ©2012.
Urbanization : an introduction to urban geography / Paul L. Knox, Linda McCarthy.
xiii, 459 pages : illustrations (some color), maps (some color) ; 29 cm
Boston : Pearson, ©2012.