80 p.
Berlin : The Velvet Cell 2021.
Berlin : The Velvet Cell 2021.
327 pages : illustrations ; 29 cm
Cambridge, MA : SA+P Press, MIT School of Architecture + Planning, [2017], Cambridge, MA : The MIT Press
Public space? : lost and found / edited by Gediminas Urbonas, Ann Lui, and Lucas Freeman ; produced by the MIT Program in Art, Culture and Technology.
327 pages : illustrations ; 29 cm
Cambridge, MA : SA+P Press, MIT School of Architecture + Planning, [2017], Cambridge, MA : The MIT Press
285 pages : illustrations ; 22 cm.
Amsterdam : Valiz, 2017.
Lost and living (in) archives : collectively shaping new memories / Annet Dekker (ed.).
285 pages : illustrations ; 22 cm.
Amsterdam : Valiz, 2017.
(disponible sur commande)
This publication presents Rahul Mehrotra’s writings over the last thirty years and illustrates his long-term engagement with and analysis of urbanism in India. This work has given rise to a new conceptualization of the city. Mehrotra calls it the Kinetic City, which is the counterpoint to the Static City, as familiar to most of us from conventional city maps. He argues(...)
The kinetic city & other essays
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This publication presents Rahul Mehrotra’s writings over the last thirty years and illustrates his long-term engagement with and analysis of urbanism in India. This work has given rise to a new conceptualization of the city. Mehrotra calls it the Kinetic City, which is the counterpoint to the Static City, as familiar to most of us from conventional city maps. He argues that the city should instead be perceived, read, and mapped in terms of patterns of occupation and associative values attributed to space. The framework is established in this publication by Rahul Mehrotra’s anchor essay, which draws out its potential to “allow a better understanding of the blurred lines of contemporary urbanism and the changing roles of people and spaces in urban society.”
Théorie de l’urbanisme
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Ecologies of Urbanism in India explores how rapidly proliferating and resource-intensive urbanism affects everyday lived environments and the ecological processes that undergird them in Indian cities. Case studies on nature conservation in the city, urban housing and slum development, waste management, the history and practice of urban planning, and contestations over(...)
Ecologies of urbanism in India: metropolitain civility and sustainability
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Ecologies of Urbanism in India explores how rapidly proliferating and resource-intensive urbanism affects everyday lived environments and the ecological processes that undergird them in Indian cities. Case studies on nature conservation in the city, urban housing and slum development, waste management, the history and practice of urban planning, and contestations over the quality of air, water, and sanitation in the major cities of Delhi and Mumbai, illuminate the urban ecology perspective at different points across the twentieth century. The book therefore examines how struggles over the environment and quality of life in urban centers are increasingly framed in terms of their future place in a landscape of global sustainability, and the future relationship between cities and their changing hinterlands.
février 2013
Arch Moyen-Orient
183 pages : color illustrations, maps, plans ; 33 cm
Berlin : Jovis Verlag, ©2010.
Large-scale projects in German cities : urban development 1990-2010 / edited by: Federal Ministry of Transport, Building and Urban Affairs ; Engelbert Lütke Daldrup and Peter Zlonicky ; [Translation: Keiki Communication, Berlin ; translator, Jonathan Lutes].
183 pages : color illustrations, maps, plans ; 33 cm
Berlin : Jovis Verlag, ©2010.
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This book bridges design theory and anthropology to offer a new and challenging way of understanding the changing meanings of contemporary human-object relations. The act of consumption is only the starting point of object's 'lives'. Thereafter they are transformed and invested with new meanings and associations that reflect and assert who we are. Defining designed things(...)
Wild things: the material culture of everyday life
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This book bridges design theory and anthropology to offer a new and challenging way of understanding the changing meanings of contemporary human-object relations. The act of consumption is only the starting point of object's 'lives'. Thereafter they are transformed and invested with new meanings and associations that reflect and assert who we are. Defining designed things as 'things with attitude' differentiates the highly visible fashionable object from ordinary aretefacts that are too easily taken for granted. Through case studies ranging from reproduction furniture to fashion and textiles to 'clutter', the author traces the connection between objects and authenticity, ephemerality and self-identity. Beyond this, she shows the materiality of the everyday in terms of space, time and the body and suggests a transition with the passing of time from embodiment to disembodiment.
septembre 2020
Expositions en cours
xxii, 438 pages, [8] pages of color plates : illustrations (some color) ; 25 cm.
Durham : Duke University Press, [1991], ©1991.
Postmodernism, or, The cultural logic of late capitalism / Fredric Jameson.
xxii, 438 pages, [8] pages of color plates : illustrations (some color) ; 25 cm.
Durham : Duke University Press, [1991], ©1991.
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After centuries of dealing with cold as the dominant climatic factor for architectural design in Central Europe, architects must now search for experimental approaches to life in a rapidly warming climate. Architecture and urban design strive for efficient technical solutions to meet changing climatic conditions and the energy standards they demand without really(...)
Wiener Hitze: Architecture and storytelling in times of heat
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After centuries of dealing with cold as the dominant climatic factor for architectural design in Central Europe, architects must now search for experimental approaches to life in a rapidly warming climate. Architecture and urban design strive for efficient technical solutions to meet changing climatic conditions and the energy standards they demand without really questioning customary notions of comfort, forms of living, and urban coexistence. Despite supposed powerlessness in the face of the impending climate catastrophe, the contributions collected in ''Wiener Hitze'' offer a diverse range of narratives that share experiences, observations, and the needs of people that inhabit hotter worlds, both real and imagined. What role as climate producers can architecture and the city play in shaping our habitat if these important issues are understood not only in purely technological but also in cultural and social terms?
Architecture écologique
Screening the city
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In this provocative collection of essays, films as diverse as "The Man with a Movie Camera", "Annie Hall", "Street of Crocodiles", "Boyz N the Hood", "Three Colors Red", and "Crash" are examined in terms of the relationship between cinema and the changing urban experience in Europe and the United States since the early twentieth century. Peter Jelavich, for example, links(...)
Théorie de l’urbanisme
mars 2003, London / New York
Screening the city
(disponible sur commande)
In this provocative collection of essays, films as diverse as "The Man with a Movie Camera", "Annie Hall", "Street of Crocodiles", "Boyz N the Hood", "Three Colors Red", and "Crash" are examined in terms of the relationship between cinema and the changing urban experience in Europe and the United States since the early twentieth century. Peter Jelavich, for example, links the suppression of the creative, liberal Weimar Berlin in the 1931 film "Berlin Alexanderplatz" to the rise of the Nazi regime and the end of one of the great eras of modernist experimentation in German visual culture; Jessie Labov considers Kieslowski’s treatment of the Warsaw housing blok in "Dekalog" in terms of Solidarity’s strategy of resisting totalitarianism in 1980's Poland; Allan Siegel examines the motif of the city in a broad range of American and international cinema to demonstrate how film and society since the 1960's have been driven by the fading of mass political radicalism and the triumph of privatization and capital; Paula Massood uses the socially illuminating theories of Mikhail Bakhtin to examine the representation of the ghetto and urban underclass in recent African-American films such as "Menace II Society"; and Matthew Gandy examines the focus on disease in Todd Haynes’s "[Safe]" as a metaphor for social and spatial breakdown in contemporary Los Angeles.
Théorie de l’urbanisme