Documentation on the Family and Friends of Gordon Matta-Clark
[1968-1976], 2002, 2004, 2007
Series 10
Series consists of materials relating to the professional practice of Gordon Matta-Clark's (1943-1978) family members and friends, including his father Roberto Matta (probably 1912-2002), his twin brother John Sebastian Matta (1943-1976), his half-brother Pablo Echaurren (1951-), his half-sister Federica Matta (1955- ) and his friend Alan Saret (1944- ).
Series contains books, leaflets, a publication and a poster.
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Leaflet accompanying the exhibition "Rêve Voyages, L(v)ivre", held with the the students of the collèges du département de l’Hérault, at Galerie d’O, Montpellier, France in 2007.
1 leaflet(s)
Collection Centre Canadien d'Architecture /
Canadian Centre for Architecture, Montréal
Don de la succession Gordon Matta-Clark /
Gift of Estate of Gordon Matta-Clark
Leaflet accompanying the exhibition "Rêve Voyages, L(v)ivre", held with the the students of the collèges du département de l’Hérault, at Galerie d’O, Montpellier, France in 2007.
1 leaflet(s)
Collection Centre Canadien d'Architecture /
Canadian Centre for Architecture, Montréal
Don de la succession Gordon Matta-Clark /
Gift of Estate of Gordon Matta-Clark
Publication for an exhibition titled "Alan Saret: Gang Drawings" held at The Drawing Center, New York City, New York, from 9 November 2007 to 7 February 2008.
1 publication(s)
Collection Centre Canadien d'Architecture /
Canadian Centre for Architecture, Montréal
Don de la succession Gordon Matta-Clark /
Gift of Estate of Gordon Matta-Clark
Poster appears to be the type of folded reproduction included in European art magazines in the 1970s.
1 poster(s)
sheet: 51.6 x 65 cm (20 5/16 x 25 9/16 in.)
- Poster is folded into quarters.
Collection Centre Canadien d'Architecture /
Canadian Centre for Architecture, Montréal
Don de la succession Gordon Matta-Clark /
Gift of Estate of Gordon Matta-Clark
1 book(s)
Collection Centre Canadien d'Architecture /
Canadian Centre for Architecture, Montréal
Don de la succession Gordon Matta-Clark /
Gift of Estate of Gordon Matta-Clark
1 book(s)
Collection Centre Canadien d'Architecture/
Canadian Centre for Architecture, Montréal
Don de la succession Gordon Matta-Clark /
Gift of Estate of Gordon Matta-Clark
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