City Slivers
File 5
File consists of camera originals and video transfers of City Silvers, made in New York City, New York. Materials were recorded in 1976 and some were transferred to videocassette in 1993.
File contains film reels and a videocassette.
Contains film reels which include an original and outtakes.
2 film reel(s)
camera original and outtakes roll; reversal; col.; si.; 16 mm; double perforated; + note The film reels are housed together in a larger box.
Collection Centre Canadien d'Architecture /
Canadian Centre for Architecture, Montréal
Don de la succession Gordon Matta-Clark /
Gift of Estate of Gordon Matta-Clark
© Succession Gordon Matta-Clark
© Estate of Gordon Matta-Clark
inscription on leader: City Slivers B-wind Color Pos (Orig)
1 16mm film
Original, colour, silent
Specialized equipment required for playback.
Collection Centre Canadien d'Architecture /
Canadian Centre for Architecture, Montréal
Don de la succession Gordon Matta-Clark /
Gift of Estate of Gordon Matta-Clark
© Succession Gordon Matta-Clark
© Estate of Gordon Matta-Clark
Inscriptions read: "GMC Estate Original #16"; "Persistent Pictures"; "TRT: 14:00"; "10/5/93."
1 Betacam SP
Specialized equipment required for playback.
Collection Centre Canadien d'Architecture /
Canadian Centre for Architecture, Montréal
Don de la succession Gordon Matta-Clark /
Gift of Estate of Gordon Matta-Clark
© Succession Gordon Matta-Clark
© Estate of Gordon Matta-Clark
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