Save the Mountain
File 12
Long-range plan to preserve and expand Mount Royal Park. Definition and recognition of the logical boundaries of the mountain park area are called for by the Save the Mountain Committee. The plan would establish the right of city to acquire all properties within the designated areas as they become available, and would restrict construction and control building heights in the park area.
This project was initiated by H. P. Daniel van Ginkel and Blanche Lemco van Ginkel on their own account. The work was executed pro bono with Michel Chevalier, Harry Mayerovitch and Hazen Sise. It was effected with the support of the Montréal Parks and Playground Association. The recommendations were accepted and embodied in a private bill by the Québec Provincial Legislature and in the bylaws of the City of Montréal.
Materials in this project series were likely arranged by material type when they were first processed at the CCA. Textual records were likely kept in their original order.
Montréal Island of Montréal Québec Canada
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photographic surveys
1 file(s)
Van Ginkel Associates fonds
Collection Centre Canadien d'Architecture/
Canadian Centre for Architecture, Montréal;
Don de H.P. Daniel et Blanche Lemco van Ginkel/
Gift of H.P. Daniel and Blanche Lemco van Ginkel
correspondence, minutes, clippings, stats (copies)
1 file(s)
Van Ginkel Associates fonds
Collection Centre Canadien d'Architecture/
Canadian Centre for Architecture, Montréal;
Don de H.P. Daniel et Blanche Lemco van Ginkel/
Gift of H.P. Daniel and Blanche Lemco van Ginkel
23 reprographic copy(ies)
19 stats, 2 ink and transfer on tracing paper, 1 graphite and ink on tracing paper, 1 printed board
Van Ginkel Associates fonds
Collection Centre Canadien d'Architecture/
Canadian Centre for Architecture, Montréal;
Don de H.P. Daniel et Blanche Lemco van Ginkel/
Gift of H.P. Daniel and Blanche Lemco van Ginkel
7 drawing(s)
2 ink and graphite on film, 2 ink on tracing vellum, 2 stats, 1 diazotype
- The drawings are rolled.
Van Ginkel Associates fonds
Collection Centre Canadien d'Architecture/
Canadian Centre for Architecture, Montréal;
Don de H.P. Daniel et Blanche Lemco van Ginkel/
Gift of H.P. Daniel and Blanche Lemco van Ginkel
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