Architectural projects
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Architectural projects
Part of
Alvaro Siza (archive creator)
Architectural projects
Dates of creation
Level of archival description
Extent and Medium
Approximately 71,575 drawings (including 51,581 reprographic copies)
Approximately 26,160 photographic materials
235 models
39 maps
20.19 l.m. of textual records
3 artefacts
1 sketchbook
Scope and Content
Series AP178.S1 is the largest series of the Álvaro Siza fonds and documents over 200 of Siza’s built and unbuilt architectural projects. The series is divided into project series which are arranged chronologically by project year. Presently, materials in this series range from 1958-2012. The CCA will also receive materials documenting Siza’s more recent work in future additions. Documenting the projects are conceptual, design, presentation, and working drawings, as well as photographic materials, textual documentation, and models. Although the drawings for each project have been identified, Siza often sketches or doodles on textual documentation, such as minutes of meetings or notes. When possible, folders that include textual documents with sketches or doodles have been identified. Amounts and types of materials vary from project to project. Project documentation is usually in Portuguese, with some exceptions including French, English, German, and Dutch.
Most project series include sketches, studies, and working drawings. Other drawings included are site plans, floor plans, topographic surveys, elevations, sections, as well as technical and mechanical details. Also documenting the projects are photographic materials and textual documentation, such as correspondence, building programs, contracts, notes, and other working details. Photographic materials found within this archive are slides, negatives, photomontages and photographs of project sites and models.The photomontages were often used to study the function of the project site. To fully understand Siza’s methodology, sketchbooks (Series AP178.S2) should be viewed alongside the project drawings, when possible. Each project series description highlights sketchbooks in series AP178.S2 which contain related sketches. It is important to note that not all projects are represented in the sketchbooks in Series AP178.S2. Moreover, project series descriptions only list related sketchbooks when sketches have been positively identified as related to the corresponding project.
The Siza fonds will be processed in four phases. The materials processed in the first, second, and third phases are architectural projects from the 1950’s, 1960’s, and 1970’s; urban planning projects; Reconstrução do Chiado; Berlin projects submitted to the IBA competition; cultural institutions; individual houses; and the Plano de urbanização Deelgebied 5 Schilderswijk-West in The Hague. Among The Hague and the Berlin projects are the Punt en Komma social housing, Bonjour Tristesse, and the Residential settlement in Schilderswijk.
This series is better understood in the context of how the records for architectural projects were arranged by Siza’s office. Earlier projects were initially numbered by Siza’s office and then received new project numbers by the office archivist, who joined the office in the 1990s. Project files have been kept in the order in which they were received by the CCA, which is how they were arranged by the office archivist. The project numbers and dates assigned by Siza’s office archivist are included in the descriptions for each project and form the basis for the arrangement of this series.
The office archivist numbered projects consecutively by decade, for instance, 58/80 was the 58th project during the 1980s. Numbers which were included in square brackets, ex. [14]/75, show that the project was not a ‘full’ project and contains a small amount of documentation. When projects are followed by a letter (A, B, C) this signifies a project is connected to the first. When the project number is followed by a number (1, 2, 3) this signifies a separate building within a larger project. For the purposes of arrangement, project numbers that were assigned a letter or number are arranged as sub-series of the related project series. Exceptions to this numbering convention are projects 23/60, 25/60, 28/60, 33/60, 34/60 and 35/60. These projects were not in the office’s original project list and were not officially considered projects. The office archivist assembled documentation related to these projects and assigned them numbers.
In the early 2000s a large number of photographic materials were gathered together by the office archivist from various correspondence files for a digitization project initiated by the office. These materials remained housed together as a photograph collection in the office. Not all of these materials were digitized by the office. Those that were digitized were assigned numbers which have been identified in the file descriptions. It is important to note that several photographic materials were left with the textual documentation or drawings. When this is the case they are identified in the file description. There are also several panoramic photomontages which were created by either gluing or taping several photographs together to make panoramas of project sites.
Reference Number
Material in this series was arranged by Álvaro Siza’s office and has been kept in this order.
Credit line
When citing the collection as a whole, use the citation:
Álvaro Siza fonds, Collection Centre Canadien d’Architecture/Canadian Centre for Architecture, Montréal.
When citing specific collection material, please refer to the object’s specific credit line
Language of material
Project: Casa de Chá, Restaurante da Boa Nova [Tea house, Boa Nova restaurant], Leça da Palmeira, Portugal (1958, 1959-1963)
Project: Monumento aos Calafates [Caulkers Monument], Foz do Douro, Porto, Portugal (1959)
Project: Restaurante em Perafita [Restaurant Perafita], Perafita, Matosinhos, Portugal (1960)
Project: Refeitório da Refinaria Angola [Angola Oil Refinery Cafeteria], Matosinhos, Portugal (1960-1962)
Project: Jazigo da Família Martins Camelo no cemitério de Sendim, M. II [Martins Camelo family grave at Sendim cemetery], Matosinhos, Portugal (1960)
Project: Habitação Dr. Júlio Gesta, Cooperativa [Dr. Júlio Gesta's co-operative housing], Matosinhos, Portugal (1961)
Project: Piscina de Marés [Ocean swimming pool], Leça da Palmeira, Matosinhos, Portugal (1961-1966)
Project: Casa Rui Feijó [Rui Feijó house], Moledo do Minho, Caminha, Portugal (1963)
Project: Casa A. Lopes Ribeiro, Remodelação da Torre de Vilarinho [A. Lopes Ribeiro house, remodeling of Torre de Vilarinho], Vila do Conde, Portugal (1964)
Project: CODA (Casa Rui Feijó) [Competition for Obtaining the Diploma of Architecture (Rui Feijó house)], Moledo do Minho, Caminha, Portugal (1965)
Project: Loja Marlã [Marlã shop], Matosinhos, Portugal (1965)
Project: Restaurante da Piscina de Marés [Ocean swimming pool restaurant], Leça da Palmeira, Matosinhos, Portugal (1965)
Project: Habitações Colectivas da SACOR [SACOR housing complex], Matosinhos, Portugal (1965-1966)
Project: Armazém de algodão [Cotton warehouse], Matosinhos, Portugal (1965-1970)
Project: Plano Urbanístico para a Marginal de Leça e Zona da Boa Nova [Leça and Boa Nova coastal development plan], Leça da Palmeira, Matosinhos, Portugal (1966)
Project: Fábrica de Fiação e Tecidos do Jacinto [Jacinto spinning and textile factory], Portugal (1966)
Project: Posto de abastecimento da SACOR, [SACOR petrol station] Matosinhos, Portugal (1966-1972)
Project: Habitação A. Felgueiras [A. Felgueiras house], Porto, Portugal (1966)
Project: Motel em Vale de Canas [Motel Vale de Canas], Coimbra, Portugal (1967-1968)
Project: Monumento ao poeta António Nobre [Monument to the poet António Nobre], Leça da Palmeira, Matosinhos, Portugal (1967)
Project: Manuel Pereira Júnior [Manuel Pereira Júnior housing], Quinta da Afurada, Vila Nova de Gaia, Portugal (1967)
Project: Casa Manuel Magalhães [Manuel Magalhães house], Porto, Portugal (1967-1971)
Project: Casa Carlos Vale Guimarães [Carlos Vale Guimarães house], Aveiro, Portugal (1968)
Project: Edifício de Escritórios na Av. D. Afonso Henriques, Avenida da Ponte [Office building, Av. D. Afonso Henriques], Porto, Portugal (1968-1981)
Project: Arranjo Urbanístico para a Av. D. Afonso Henriques, Avenida da Ponte, [Urban planning for Av. D. Afonso Henriques, "Avenida da Ponte"], Porto, Portugal (1968)
Project: Madame Lotte Pohl, Santiago do Cacém, Portugal (1968)
Project: Loja Turquesa - Irmãos Campos Morais, Porto, Portugal (1968)
Project: Elaboração do Anteplano de Urbanização de Caldas de Aregos [Urban plan for Caldas de Aregos], Resende, Portugal (1968)
Project: Loja "Mic Mac" ["Mic Mac" store], Porto (1969-1970)
Project: Banco Borges & Irmão [Borges & Irmão bank], Vila do Conde, Portugal (1969-1975)
Project: Conjunto Habitacional em Caxinas [Vila Cova Housing Complex], Vila Cova - Vila do Conde, Portugal (1970-1972)
Project: Cooperativa Unicoope Domus / Boavista [Unicoope Domus co-operative], Porto, Portugal (1970)
Project: Loteamento Álvaro Bonifácio [Álvaro Bonifácio housing scheme], Ovar, Portugal (1970-1972)
Project: Banco Pinto & Sotto Mayor [Pinto & Sotto Mayor bank], Oliveira de Azeméis, Portugal (1971-1974)
Project: Habitações Colectivas da Mobil Oil Portuguesa [Mobil Oil housing complex], Matosinhos, Portugal (1971-1972)
Project: Casa Marques Pinto [Marques Pinto house], Porto, Portugal (1972)
Project: Banco Pinto & Sotto Mayor, agência e clube [Pinto & Sotto Mayor bank agency and club], Lamego, Portugal (1972-1974)
Project: Banco Pinto & Sotto Mayor [Pinto & Sotto Mayor bank agency], Régua, Portugal (1972-1973)
Project: Loteamento Bárbara de Sousa [Barbara de Sousa housing scheme], Ovar, Portugal (1972)
Project: Galeria do Antiquário [Antiquarian Gallery], Campo Alegre, Porto, Portugal (1972-1973)
Project: Cooperativa Unicoope Domus / Pasteleira [Domus co-operative supermarket], Porto, Portugal (1972)
Project: Casa de Férias em Azeitão [Azeitão summer house], Setúbal, Portugal (1972-1974)
Project: Capela em Rio Tinto [Chapel in Rio Tinto], Gondomar, Portugal (1973)
Project: Casa na Praia das Maçãs [House in Praia das Maçãs], Sintra, Portugal (1973)
Project: Casa [House], Porto, Portugal (1973)
Project: Palácio de Jústiça [Courthouse], Montemor-o-Velho, Portugal (1973-1974)
Project: Casa Alcino Cardoso [Alcino Cardoso house], Porto, Portugal (1974)
Project: Eng. Jorge Guimarães, Porto, Portugal (1974)
Project: Restaurante Pico do Areeiro, [Pico Areeiro Restaurant], Madeira, Portugal (1975)
Project: Escola Paula Frassinetti [Paula Frassineti school], Porto, Portugal (1975)
Project: Mercado da Ribeira [Ribeira market stall], Porto, Portugal (1976)
Project: Parcelas 191 e 192 [Plots 191 and 192], Porto, Portugal (1976)
Project: Largo da Lada [Urban development plan for Lada square and redevelopment of Barredo Quarter], Porto, Portugal (1976)
Project: Casa em Francelos [Francelos House], Vila Nova de Gaia, Portugal (1977)
Project: Banco Borges & Irmão I, projecto de recuperação [Borges & Irmão bank I, restoration project], Vila do Conde, Portugal (1977)
Project: Cinema Teatro Edifício Av. de Roma [Cinema Theater Av. de Roma], Lisbon, Portugal (1977)
Project: Banco Borges & Irmão II [Borges & Irmão bank II], Vila do Conde, Portugal (1978-1986)
Project: Caixa Geral de Depósitos [Caixa Geral de Depósitos bank], Matosinhos, Portugal (1979)
Project: Piscina de "Görlitzer Bad" Kreuzberg, Berlim Oeste [Görlitzer Bad swimming pool], Berlin, Germany (1978-1979)
Project: Habitação na Rua do Castro, Pedro Gomes [Housing on Castro Street, Pedro Gomes], Foz, Porto, Portugal (1979)
Project: Agência do Crédito Predial Português [Portuguese Credit agency], Montalegre, Portugal (1979)
Project: Plano de pormenor de Ofir [Detail plan for Ofir], Esposende, Portugal (1979)
Project: Blocke 70 und 89, Kreuzberg, Fränkelufer [Fränkelufer residential complex], Berlin, Germany (1976-1982)
Project: Apartamento J. M. Teixeira [J. M. Teixeira apartment], Póvoa de Varzim, Portugal (1979-1986)
Project: Plano de Implantação do Hotel Vista do Rei [Hotel Vista do Rei layout plan], São Miguel, Açores, Portugal (1979)
Project: Sede da Companhia Dom [Dom Company Headquarters], Cologne, Germany (1980)
Project: Block 121, Schlesisches Tor [Block 121, Schlesisches Tor residential complex], Berlin, Germany (1980-1990)
Project: Block 11 e 12, Kottbusser Damm [11-12 Kottbusser Damm], Berlin, Germany (1979-1981)
Project: Monumento ao poeta António Nobre II [Monument to poet António Nobre II], Leça da Palmeira, Portugal (1980)
Project: Monte Picoto [Monte Picoto hotel and restaurant], Braga, Portugal (1981)
Project: Casa J. M. Teixeira [J.M. Teixeira house], Quinta do Forno, Briteiros - Guimarães, Portugal (1980-1991)
Project: Cave di Cusa, Selinunte, Castelvetrano, Italy (1980)
Project: Casa Fernando Machado [Fernando Machado house], Porto, Portugal (1981)
Project: Plano Urbanístico e Central de Camionagem [Urban plan and bus station], Guimarães, Portugal (1982)
Project: Casa Aníbal Guimarães da Costa [Aníbal Guimarães da Costa house], Trofa, Portugal, 1982
Project: Centro Cultural de Sines [Sines Cultural Centre], Sines, Portugal (1982-1985)
Project: Reconstrução da Igreja Madre de Salemi [Reconstruction of the Mother Church of Salemi], Salemi, Italy (1983-1999)
Project: Monumento às vítimas da Gestapo [Monument to Gestapo victims], Prinz-Albrecht-Palais, Berlin, Germany (1983)
Project: Casa Mário Bahia [Mário Bahia house], Gondomar, Portugal, 1983-1993
Project: Kulturforum [Kulturforum], Berlin, Germany (1982-1986)
Project: Boutique Nina, Porto, Portugal (1983)
Project: Proposta para Caserta [Proposal for Caserta], Caserta, Italy (1983-1984)
Project: Ampliação do Institut Français no Porto [Extension of the Porto French Institute], Porto, Portugal (1983)
Project: Plano de Expansão da Cidade de Macau (Areia P. e Porto E.) [Macau City expansion plan], Macau, China (1982)
Project: 106 habitações, Punt en Komma [Punt en Komma social housing], Schilderswijk-West, The Hague, The Netherlands, (1981-1990)
Project: Duas habitações e duas lojas [Housing and shopping complex, Schilderswijk], The Hague, The Netherlands (1985-1988)
Project: Casa Erhard Josef Pascher [Erhard Josef Pascher house], Sintra, Portugal (1984)
Project: Jardim Van der Vennepark [Park, Schilderswijk-West], The Hague, The Netherlands (1985-1988)
Project: Recuperação da Área do Campo di Marte [Restoration of Campo di Marte], Giudecca, Venice, Italy (1985)
Project: Parque Urbano [Urban park], Salemi, Italy (1986)
Project: Plano Geral da Expo '92 [Expo '92 master plan], Seville, Spain (1984)
Project: Estudo Urbanístico para o Bairro Pendino [Urban plan for Pendino Quarter], Naples, Italy (1986)
Project: Plano Monterusciello e Campo Flegrei [Urban plan Monterusciello], Naples, Italy (1986-1987)
Project: Ampliação do Casino e Restaurante Winkler [Winkler Casino and restaurant extension], Salzburg, Austria, 1986
Project: Reconstrução do Portal de Riquer [Reconstruction of Portal de Riquer], Alcoi-Valencia, Spain (1987)
Project: Centro Cultural de la Defensa - 1º Fase - 2º Fase [La Defensa Cultural Centre, first and second phases], Madrid, Spain (1988)
Project: Projecto para Siena [Matteotti Piazza], Siena, Italy (1988)
Project: Centro Galego de Arte Contemporânea [Galician Centre of Contemporary Art], Santiago de Compostela, Spain, 1988-1993
Project: Complexo Desportivo de Vilanova de Arousa, [Vilanova de Arousa Sport complex], Vilanova de Arousa, Spain (1988)
Project: Casa Guardiola [Guardiola house], Puerto de Santa Maria, Spain (1988)
Project: Galeria Carvalho Araújo [Carvalho Araújo gallery], Lisbon, Portugal (1988)
Project: Reconstrução do Chiado [Reconstruction of the Chiado area], Lisbon, Portugal (1988-1998)
Project: Casa Ana Costa [Ana Costa house] Quinta de S. Ovídio, Lousada, Portugal, 1988
Project: Habitações em Concepcion Arenal [Housing in Concepción Arenal], Cadiz, Spain (1989)
Project: Biblioteca de França [National Library of France], Paris, France (1989)
Project: Plano de Doedijnstraat [Residential settlement, Schilderswijk], The Hague, The Netherlands (1988-1994)
Project: Centro Meteorológico da Villa Olimpica [Olympic Village Meteorological Centre and MOPU delegation headquarters], Barcelona, Spain (1989-1992)
Project: Restaurante de Santo Domingo de Bonaval [Santo Domingo de Bonaval restaurant], Santiago, Spain (1989)
Project: Casa Pereira Ganhão [Pereira Ganhão house], Tróia, Portugal (1990)
Project: Parque de Santo Domingo de Bonaval [Santo Domingo de Bonaval Park], Santiago, Spain (1990)
Project: Plano Urbanístico Boulevard Brune [Urban design for Boulevard Brune, Cité de Jeunesse], Paris, France (1990)
Project: Ceramique Terrein Blocos de habitação e escritórios [Ceramic Terrain apartments and offices], Maastricht, The Netherlands (1990)
Project: Edifício da Reitoria e Biblioteca Jurídica - Proj. I [Rectory and law library, University Valencia], Valencia, Spain (1990)
Project: Remodelação da Casa de Chá da Boa Nova [Renovation of Casa de Chá da Boa Nova], Leça da Palmeira (1990-1999)
Project: Habitações e Comércio EURO Centre [EURO Centre], Porto, Portugal (1990)
Project: Recuperação do Restaurante Pai Ramiro [Pai Ramiro restaurant renovations], Porto, Portugal (1990-1994)
Project: Vitra International [Vitra International factory], Weil am Rhein, Germany (1991-1994)
Project: Coeur de ville, Montreuil, France, (1991)
Project: Remodelação do Cinema Condes [Remodelling of Cinema Condes], Lisbon, Portugal (1991-1992)
Project: Exposição Visiones para Madrid [Visions for Madrid exhibition], Madrid, Spain (1992)
Project: Museu de Arte Contemporânea para Helsínquia [Helsenki Museum of Contemporary Art], Helsenki, Finland (1992-1993)
Project: Estudo Urbanístico para São João [Urban plan for São João], Costa da Caparica, Portugal, (1993)
Project: Laboratório Showroom Habitação Dimensione Fuoco [Dimensione Fuocco Laboratory, Showroom and Housing], San Donà di Piave, Italy (1993)
Project: Museu J. Paul Getty [The J. Paul Getty Museum], Malibu, United States (1993)
Project: Faculdade de Ciências da Informação [Faculty of Communication Sciences], Santiago de Compostela, Spain (1993)
Project: Edifício de Escritorios e Restaurante, Porta Real I [Porta Real I Office building and restaurant], Granada, Spain (1993)
Project: Museu Granell [Granell museum], Santiago de Compostela, Spain (1994-1996)
Project: Aparcamento de la Salle [La Salle parking lot], Santiago de Compostela, Spain (1994)
Project: Plano de Pormenor do Rossio de São Brás [Master plan for Rossio São Brás], Évora, Portugal (1994)
Project: Complexo desportivo para as Universiades '97 [Universiade '97 sports complex], Palermo, Italy (1994-1995)
Project: Renovação do Elevador de Santa Justa [Restoration of Santa Justa lift], Lisbon, Portugal (1994)
Project: Casa Van Middelem-Dupont [Van Middelem-Dupont house], Oudenbourg, Belgium (1994)
Project: Recuperação de Piscina das Marés [Ocean swimming pool renovations], Leça da Palmeira (1995)
Project: Restaurante para a Piscina de Marés [Ocean swimming pool restaurant], Leça da Palmeira, Portugal (1995)
Project: Estudo Urbanístico da Lagoinha [Urban plan for Lagoinha], Belo Horizonte, Brazil (1995)
Project: Reitoria da Universidade de Alicante [Rectory, University of Alicante], Alicante, Spain (1995-1998)
Project: Casa Pinto Sousa [Pinto Sousa house], Oeiras, Portugal (1995)
Project: Renovação e extensão do Museu Stedelijk [Restoration and extension of Stedelijk Museum], Amsterdam, The Netherlands (1995)
Project: Sociedade Hoteleira do Arez, Quinta da Palmeira, Evora, Portugal (1995)
Project: Escola Pré-primária e Primária [Preschool and primary school], Alcoi, Spain (1995)
Project: Instituto de Biofísica [Institute of Biophysics], Hombroich, Germany (1995-1996)
Project: Kolonihaven - The International Challenge, Copenhagen, Denmark (1996)
Project: Concurso para o Metro do Porto [Competition for Porto Underground] Porto, Portugal (1996)
Project: Cais de embarque para european architects [Docking pier for European Architects] Salonica, Greece (1996)
Project: Edifício Figueiredo [Figueiredo building], Viseu, Portugal (1996)
Project: Complexo de Habitação, Comércio e Serviços Horta da Torrinha Rotunda do Raimundo, Evora, Portugal (1996-1998)
Project: Casa Manuel Silva [Manuel Silva house], Quinta de S. Ovidio, Lousada, Portugal (1997)
Project: Nova Cervejaria [New brewery], Chiado, Lisbon, Portugal, (1997)
Project: Pavilhão Multiuso [Multiuse Pavilion], Vigo, Spain, 1997
Project: Centro Cultural Manzana del Revellin [Manzana dei Revellin Cultural Centre], Ceuta, Spain (1997)
Project: Biblioteca da Universidade de Evora [University of Evora library], Evora, Portugal (1997)
Project: Centro Municipal no Distrito Sud [South district Municipal center], Rosario, Argentina (1997)
Project: Reitoria e Auditorio Nou. Camp. Univ. de Valencia - Proj. II [Rectory and Auditorium, Valencia University - Proj. II], Valencia, Spain (1997)
Project: Fábrica de Papel Renova, showroom [Renova paper mill, showroom], Torres Novas, Portugal (1997)
Project: Igreja de Santa Maria do Rosário [Santa Maria do Rosário church], Rome, Italy (1998)
Project: Edifício Zaida [Zaida Building and Courtyard House], Granada, Spain (1998-2006)
Project: Nova Sede do Banco Nacional de Cabo Verde [Headquarters, National Bank of Cape Verde], Cape Verde (1998)
Project: C. Cultural e Audit. para a Fundação Iberê Camargo [Iberê Camargo Foundation Museum], Porto Alegre, Brazil (1998)
Project: Biblioteca de Humanidades de la Universidade de Salamanca [Humanities Library, University of Salamanca], Salamanca, Spain (1998)
Project: Câmara Municipal de Penafiel [Penafiel Town Hall], Penafiel, Portugal (1998)
Project: Pavilhão de Portugal na Expo Hannover 2000 [Portugal pavillon, Expo Hannover 2000], Hannover, Germany (1998)
Project: Plano de Urbanização da Nova Maia, Parque do Millenium [Urban plan for Nova Maia, Millenium Park], Maia, Portugal (1999)
Project: Estadio Municipal da Maia, Parque do Millenium [Maia municipal stadium, Millenium Park], Maia, Portugal (2000)
Project: Casa Museu José Régio [José Régio House Museum], Villa do Conde, Portugal (1999)
Project: Projecto de Ordenación nel Âmbito del Vapor Turull, Sabadell, Spain (1999)
Project: Biblioteca Municipal de Albergaria-a-Velha [Albergaria-a-Velha Municipal Library], Albergaria-a-Velha (1999)
Project: Stand "Horm" Fiera del Mobile ["Horm" stand for Fiera del Mobile], Milano (1999-2000)
Project: Complexo Desportivo Ribera-Serrallo [Ribera Serrallo Sports Complex], Barcelona, Spain (2000)
Project: Villa Zileri [Zileri Villa], Vicenza, Italy (2000)
Project: Fundaçao Miguel Cargaleiro II [Miguel Cargaleiro Foundation II], Quinta da Soledade, Seixal, Portugal (2000-2001)
Project: Art Center College of Design (Ampliação) [Extension for the Art Center College of Design], Pasedena, United States, 2000
Project: Biblioteca da Câmara Municipal de Viana do Castelo [Viana do Castelo Public Library], Viana do Castelo, Portugal (2000-2008)
Project: Edifícios Centrais do Campus de Tarongers - Proj. III [Central building, Tarongers Campus - Proj. III], Valencia, Spain (2001)
Project: Plano de Recuperação e Transformação da Cidade de S. Tomé e Príncipe, Democratic Republic of São Tomé and Principe (2001)
Project: Monumento 25 Anos do Poder Local em Coimbra [Monument to 25 Years of Local Government in Coimbra], Coimbra, Portugal (2001-2002)
Project: Casa em Palma de Maiorca [House in Palma de Maiorca], Palma de Mallorca, Spain (2001)
Project: Centro de Alto Rendimento en el Balneario de Panticosa [Sports Hotel and High-performance center], Panticosa, Spain (2001)
Project: Faculdade Ciências da Educação do C. Univ. de Cappont [Faculty of education sciences, Cappont University], Lérida, Spain (2001)
Project: Pólo III da Universidade do Porto e Nova ponte sobre o rio Douro [Bridge over the Douro river], Porto, Portugal (2002)
Project: Centro José Saramago [José Saramago Centre], Granada, Spain (2002)
Project: New Orleans, Plot UG-8, Rotterdam, The Netherlands (2002)
Project: Parque de Vidago [Vidago Palace], Vidago, Portugal (2002-2010)
Project: Parque de Pedras Salgadas, Pedras Salgadas, Portugal (2002-2010)
Project: Recupero del Palazzo Donnaregina, Museu de Arte Contem. [Restoration of the Palazzo Donnaregina, Museum of contemporary Art], Naples, Italy (2003)
Project: Ciudad del Flamenco de Jerez de la Frontera, Jerez de la Frontera, Spain (2003)
Project: Hospital de Toledo [Toledo hospital], Toledo, Spain (2003)
Project: Instalação na Exposição "Entrez Lentement" per il Salone del Mobile [Installation for the "Entrez Lentement" exhibition at the Salone de Mobile], Milan (2005)