James Stirling, Michael Wilford, and Associates (creator)
James Stirling, Michael Wilford, and Associates (architectural firm)
James Frazer Stirling (archive creator)
New Gallery for the Thyssen-Bornemizsa Collection Competition, Lugano, Switzerland
Dates de création
Niveau de description archivistique
File 74
Approximately 712 drawings (including 327 reprographic copies)
Approximately 490 photographic materials
0.55 l.m. textual records
Présentation du contenu
File documents a successful competition entry for an addition to the Thyssen-Bornemisza Collection in Lugano, Switzerland. The execution of the winning design was called off in 1987. Material in this file was produced between 1986 and 1989.
File contains measured drawings, reference drawings, and several conceptual, design development and presentation drawings. Photographic materials include views of the site and of existing buildings by Fotografia A. e R. Pastorelli and of a presentation model by Kandor Modelmakers. File also contains textual records.
Titre: Floor plans, elevations and sections of site and existing buildings, New Gallery for the Thyssen-Bornemizsa Collection Competition, Lugano, Switzerland
Dates de création: circa 1982-2001
Classification: dessins
Objets catalogués : 0
Personnes et institutions:
James Frazer Stirling (archive creator)
Quantité / Type d’objet:
1 File
Étape et objectif:
measured drawing
19 reprographic copies
sheet (smallest): 21 x 30 cm (8 1/4 x 11 13/16 in.)
sheet (largest): 40 x 50 cm (15 3/4 x 19 11/16 in.)
Mention de crédit:
James Stirling/Michael Wilford fonds
Collection Centre Canadien d'Architecture/
Canadian Centre for Architecture, Montréal
Titre: Measured drawings including floor plans, elevations, sections and details of site and existing buildings, geological and topographic surveys, New Gallery for the Thyssen-Bornemizsa Collection Competition, Lugano, Switzerland
Dates de création: circa 1982-2001
Classification: dessins
Objets catalogués : 0
Personnes et institutions:
James Frazer Stirling (archive creator)
Quantité / Type d’objet:
1 File
Étape et objectif:
67 drawings
sheet (smallest): 21 x 30 cm (8 1/4 x 11 13/16 in.)
sheet (largest): 59 x 189 cm (23 1/4 x 74 7/16 in.)
Mention de crédit:
James Stirling/Michael Wilford fonds
Collection Centre Canadien d'Architecture/
Canadian Centre for Architecture, Montréal
Titre: Measured drawings including floor plans, elevations, sections and details, topographic surveys, New Gallery for the Thyssen-Bornemizsa Collection Competition, Lugano, Switzerland
Dates de création: circa 1986-1989
Classification: dessins
Objets catalogués : 0
Personnes et institutions:
James Frazer Stirling (archive creator)
Quantité / Type d’objet:
1 File
Étape et objectif:
34 reprographic copies
sheet (smallest): 34 x 47 cm (13 3/8 x 18 1/2 in.)
sheet (largest): 68 x 173 cm (26 3/4 x 68 1/8 in.)
Mention de crédit:
James Stirling/Michael Wilford fonds
Collection Centre Canadien d'Architecture/
Canadian Centre for Architecture, Montréal
Titre: Conceptual and design development drawings, mostly sketch plans for alternative schemes, New Gallery for the Thyssen-Bornemizsa Collection Competition, Lugano, Switzerland
Dates de création: circa 1986-1989
Classification: dessins
Objets catalogués : 0
Personnes et institutions:
James Frazer Stirling (archive creator)
Quantité / Type d’objet:
1 File
Étape et objectif:
10 drawings
sheets: 21 x 30 cm (8 1/4 x 11 13/16 in.)
Mention de crédit:
James Stirling/Michael Wilford fonds
Collection Centre Canadien d'Architecture/
Canadian Centre for Architecture, Montréal
Titre: Plans and sections, axonometrics, interior and exterior perspectives, New Gallery for the Thyssen-Bornemizsa Collection Competition, Lugano, Switzerland
Dates de création: circa 1986-1989
Classification: dessins
Objets catalogués : 0
Personnes et institutions:
James Frazer Stirling (archive creator)
Quantité / Type d’objet:
1 File
Étape et objectif:
design development
29 drawings
sheet (smallest): 30 x 42 cm (11 13/16 x 16 9/16 in.)
sheet (largest): 84 x 119 cm (33 1/16 x 46 7/8 in.)
Mention de crédit:
James Stirling/Michael Wilford fonds
Collection Centre Canadien d'Architecture/
Canadian Centre for Architecture, Montréal
Titre: Plans, sections, axonometric for loggia, interior perspectives, New Gallery for the Thyssen-Bornemizsa Collection Competition, Lugano, Switzerland
Dates de création: circa 1986-1989
Classification: dessins
Objets catalogués : 0
Personnes et institutions:
James Frazer Stirling (archive creator)
Quantité / Type d’objet:
1 File
0.01 l.m. of textual records
sheets: 30 x 42 cm (11 13/16 x 16 9/16 in.)
Mention de crédit:
James Stirling/Michael Wilford fonds
Collection Centre Canadien d'Architecture/
Canadian Centre for Architecture, Montréal
Titre: Site and floor plans, elevation, sections, axonometrics, interior and exterior perspectives, New Gallery for the Thyssen-Bornemizsa Collection Competition, Lugano, Switzerland
Dates de création: circa 1986-1989
Classification: dessins
Objets catalogués : 0
Personnes et institutions:
James Frazer Stirling (archive creator)
Quantité / Type d’objet:
1 File
Étape et objectif:
32 drawings
sheet (smallest): 75 x 113 cm (29 1/2 x 44 1/2 in.)
sheet (largest): 84 x 119 cm (33 1/16 x 46 7/8 in.)
Mention de crédit:
James Stirling/Michael Wilford fonds
Collection Centre Canadien d'Architecture/
Canadian Centre for Architecture, Montréal
Titre: Floor plans, elevation, sections, axonometrics for staircases and loggia, New Gallery for the Thyssen-Bornemizsa Collection Competition, Lugano, Switzerland
Dates de création: circa 1986-1989
Classification: dessins
Objets catalogués : 0
Personnes et institutions:
James Frazer Stirling (archive creator)
Quantité / Type d’objet:
1 File
Étape et objectif:
6 drawings
sheet (smallest): 76 x 59 cm (29 15/16 x 23 1/4 in.)
sheet (largest): 79 x 119 cm (31 1/8 x 46 7/8 in.)
Caractéristiques matérielles et contraintes techniques:
Some of the drawings have been removed from exhibition mats in which they were originally received.
Mention de crédit:
James Stirling/Michael Wilford fonds
Collection Centre Canadien d'Architecture/
Canadian Centre for Architecture, Montréal
Titre: Report on air conditioning systems for existing gallery, including diagrams and schematic floor plans and sections, New Gallery for the Thyssen-Bornemizsa Collection Competition, Lugano, Switzerland
Dates de création: circa 1986-1989
Classification: dessins
Objets catalogués : 0
Personnes et institutions:
James Frazer Stirling (archive creator)
Quantité / Type d’objet:
1 File
Étape et objectif:
16 drawings
sheet (smallest): 21 x 30 cm (8 1/4 x 11 13/16 in.)
sheet (largest): 30 x 42 cm (11 13/16 x 16 9/16 in.)
Mention de crédit:
James Stirling/Michael Wilford fonds
Collection Centre Canadien d'Architecture/
Canadian Centre for Architecture, Montréal
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