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Proposte per il concorso Trigon [Proposals for the Trigon competition] (1971)
This project series documents five of the fifteen proposals submitted by Pettena for the Trigon competition in Graz, Austria, in 1971. The proposals documented in this project series are the following: Proposal n° 7 "Imprisonment" and "Architectural project #2 (Planes crossing)"; Proposal n° 11 "Instantaneous birth"; Proposal n° 12 "Conservazione"; Proposal n° 13 "Sedie e tavolo d’erba"; and Proposal n° 14 "Grass Architecture" I, II, and III.
Pettena won the first prize for both his proposal "Imprisonment" and "Architectural Project #2" (Proposal n° 7) and for "Grass Architecture" I and II (Proposal n° 14). In these proposals, Pettena "questioned the temporal dimension of architecture as well as its relationship with nature." [1] The proposal "Grass Architecture" consists of shapes of grass rising from the ground, creating a perishable form of architecture coming from within and becoming part of the territory. The "Imprisonment" and "Architectural Project #2" proposals are a variation of Pettena's previous performance project "Cancellazione di uno stato" in 1970. These proposals consist of "trails of passing airplanes crisscrossing? the sky, creating the outlines of a grid of clouds. Here, the legacy of the grid in modern architecture is rendered formless, as if “naturalized” by the evaporation of the clouds, subject to chance and the freely drifting trails left by the airplanes." [2]
The project series contains presentation drawings (five original drawings, seventeen reprographic copies, and four photographic reproductions), for Pettena's proposals "Imprisonment" and "Architectural project #2 (Planes crossing)", "Instantaneous birth", "Conservazione", "Sedie e tavolo d’erba", and "Grass Architecture" I, II, and III. The project series also includes photographs of models for the "Grass Architecture" proposal.
[1] FRAC Centre-Val de Loire, http://www.frac-centre.fr/_en/art-and-architecture-collection/pettena-gianni/grass-architecture-317.html?authID=148&ensembleID=454 (last accessed 11 November 2019)
[2] FRAC Centre-Val de Loire, http://www.frac-centre.fr/_en/art-and-architecture-collection/pettena-gianni/imprisonment-317.html?authID=148&ensembleID=115 (last accessed 11 November 2019)
Material in this project series was kept in its original order when it was first processed upon its arrival at CCA.
Graz Autriche
English, Italian
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Contains photographic reproduction of presentation drawings for Pettena's Proposal n° 11 "Instantaneous birth", Proposal n° 12 "Conservazione", and Proposal n° 13 "Sedie e tavolo d’erba."
1 File
sheets: 29.5 x 39.5 cm
Gianni Pettena fonds
Collection Centre Canadien d'Architecture/
Canadian Centre for Architecture, Montréal;
Don de Gianni Pettena/
Gift of Gianni Pettena
Contains a presentation drawing for the Pettena's proposal Proposal n° 7 "Imprisonment" and "Architectural Project #2" and three presentation drawings for proposal Proposal n° 14 "Grass Architecture" I, II and III.
1 File
sheet (smallest): 37 x 57.5 cm sheet (largest): 70.5 x 100.5 cm
Gianni Pettena fonds
Collection Centre Canadien d'Architecture/
Canadian Centre for Architecture, Montréal;
Don de Gianni Pettena/
Gift of Gianni Pettena
Objets catalogués:
Contains presentation drawings for proposals no. 11 Instantaneous birth, no. 12 Conservazione, no. 13 Sedie e tavolo d’erba, no. 14 Grass Architecture I, II, and III.
1 File
sheet (smallest): 21.5 x 22 cm sheet (largest): 321.5 x 30 cm
Gianni Pettena fonds
Collection Centre Canadien d'Architecture/
Canadian Centre for Architecture, Montréal;
Don de Gianni Pettena/
Gift of Gianni Pettena
Most common file formats: JPEG File Interchange Format, Tagged Image File Format, Microsoft Word for Windows, Audio/Video Interleaved Format, Raw JPEG Stream
1 File
Gianni Pettena fonds
Collection Centre Canadien d'Architecture/
Canadian Centre for Architecture, Montréal;
Don de Gianni Pettena/
Gift of Gianni Pettena
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