Random Movies (1972)
The project series documents the film "Random Movies" produced by Pettena in 1972. The project consists of a film created by Pettena with randomly selected filmstrips of film reels that were going to be thrown away. The film was then presented to the public in Salt Lake City without anyone looking at the content before. The filmstrips "were out-of-date promotional films, many of them in two copies, commercial advertisements as well as electoral propaganda. So the screening proved particularly provocative for an audience that had come to attend a “cultured” lecture and found themselves, in an insistent manner, treated as an audience of “advertising skits.” "[1]
The project series contains project descriptions in English and in Italian, a film still and a digital version of the film.
[1] Gianni Pettena website, https://www.giannipettena.it/italiano/opere-1/ff-random-movies-1972-1/ (last accessed 12 November 2019).
Material in this project series was kept in its original order when it was first processed upon its arrival at CCA.
Salt Lake City Utah États-Unis
English, Italian
Most common file formats: Microsoft Word for Windows, JPEG File Interchange Format
1 File
Gianni Pettena fonds
Collection Centre Canadien d'Architecture/
Canadian Centre for Architecture, Montréal;
Don de Gianni Pettena/
Gift of Gianni Pettena
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