Théâtre Paul-Desmarais
2 novembre 2023, 18h30
Théâtre Paul-Desmarais
This project series documents Cornelia Hahn Oberlander's landscape project for the outdoor playground of the Children's Creative Centre. The Centre was part of the Canadian Federal Pavilion built for the Universal and International Exposition of 1967 (Expo 67), located at the south end of Notre-Dame Island in Montréal. Oberlander worked on this project from 1965-1966. She based her design on children's spontaneous exploration, to encourage self-motivation and creative play. The playground included a rolling terrain, looping paths, a wobble walk made of short logs embeded in the ground, a canal, and "giant wooden building pieces and a rocking boat in water replaced static sculptures". [1] The playground included a sand beach-like area with drifwood and plants to be used as play props. At the centre of the playground was a grass mound with an interior cave and a high wooden platform only reachable by a commando rope. A forty-foot long circulating water channel was situated in the east section of the playground and included two small islands linked by bridges, but was narrow enough to allow children to jump over it. The project series contains sketches, preliminary landscape concept plans, site plans, general landscape plans at different stages of design development, several sections and detail drawings for the playground's equipment and installations, and presentation drawings, including perspective views. The project series also contains architectural, electrical, and structural drawings of the Pavilion, which were provided to Oberlander for reference. Also included are photographs of the playground, research material on playgrounds, and articles and publications on the project, including Oberlander's writings, and publications on Expo '67. Source: [1] Herrington, Susan. Cornelia Hahn Oberlander: Making the Modern Landscape, University of Virginia Press, 2014, 304 pages. p. 106.
Children's Creative Centre Playground, Canadian Federal Pavilion, Expo '67, Montréal, Québec (1965-1967)
This project series documents Cornelia Hahn Oberlander's landscape project for the outdoor playground of the Children's Creative Centre. The Centre was part of the Canadian Federal Pavilion built for the Universal and International Exposition of 1967 (Expo 67), located at the south end of Notre-Dame Island in Montréal. Oberlander worked on this project from 1965-1966. She based her design on children's spontaneous exploration, to encourage self-motivation and creative play. The playground included a rolling terrain, looping paths, a wobble walk made of short logs embeded in the ground, a canal, and "giant wooden building pieces and a rocking boat in water replaced static sculptures". [1] The playground included a sand beach-like area with drifwood and plants to be used as play props. At the centre of the playground was a grass mound with an interior cave and a high wooden platform only reachable by a commando rope. A forty-foot long circulating water channel was situated in the east section of the playground and included two small islands linked by bridges, but was narrow enough to allow children to jump over it. The project series contains sketches, preliminary landscape concept plans, site plans, general landscape plans at different stages of design development, several sections and detail drawings for the playground's equipment and installations, and presentation drawings, including perspective views. The project series also contains architectural, electrical, and structural drawings of the Pavilion, which were provided to Oberlander for reference. Also included are photographs of the playground, research material on playgrounds, and articles and publications on the project, including Oberlander's writings, and publications on Expo '67. Source: [1] Herrington, Susan. Cornelia Hahn Oberlander: Making the Modern Landscape, University of Virginia Press, 2014, 304 pages. p. 106.
Project records document OCEAN North’s design for their competition entry for the Töölö Football Stadium in Helsinki in 1997. The project was titled Open Arena by OCEAN North. The site for the football stadium was in the Töölö neighbourhood and adjoining the Helsinki Olympic Stadium, located in a park area. OCEAN North’s entry was a building that would integrate with its natural surroundings while being able to accommodate a variety of activities and events. The structure has three topological surfaces that were devised through an iterative process: initial drawings made in Adobe Illustrator, modelling made with form*Z and manually transferred on Plexiglas sections, modifications made on the Plexiglas sections captured back into the CAD drawing, etc. At some point in the design process, the Channelling Systems approach was developed and used to analyze the structure’s dynamic relationship with its surroundings. Records show different stages of the design process and include at least one photograph of the Plexiglas sections referenced above. Digital files are grouped according to their function: Channelling Systems analysis, 2D graft spatial exploration, and plans and sections. There are also libraries of images and textures which may have been used for other drawings and models. Over half of the files are raster or vector images likely created by CAD software. This includes images of renderings. CAD drawings are in the native Microstation format, although one is in form*Z format. Textual records present the project and for the most part are the accompanying documentation for the competition entry, including legends for plans and sections. Timestamps for some of the digital files extend past the date of the competition. It is likely that these dates reflect when files were transferred to the Jaz drive for storage.
Open Arena – Töölö Football Stadium, international competition entry, Helsinki, Finland (1997)
Project records document OCEAN North’s design for their competition entry for the Töölö Football Stadium in Helsinki in 1997. The project was titled Open Arena by OCEAN North. The site for the football stadium was in the Töölö neighbourhood and adjoining the Helsinki Olympic Stadium, located in a park area. OCEAN North’s entry was a building that would integrate with its natural surroundings while being able to accommodate a variety of activities and events. The structure has three topological surfaces that were devised through an iterative process: initial drawings made in Adobe Illustrator, modelling made with form*Z and manually transferred on Plexiglas sections, modifications made on the Plexiglas sections captured back into the CAD drawing, etc. At some point in the design process, the Channelling Systems approach was developed and used to analyze the structure’s dynamic relationship with its surroundings. Records show different stages of the design process and include at least one photograph of the Plexiglas sections referenced above. Digital files are grouped according to their function: Channelling Systems analysis, 2D graft spatial exploration, and plans and sections. There are also libraries of images and textures which may have been used for other drawings and models. Over half of the files are raster or vector images likely created by CAD software. This includes images of renderings. CAD drawings are in the native Microstation format, although one is in form*Z format. Textual records present the project and for the most part are the accompanying documentation for the competition entry, including legends for plans and sections. Timestamps for some of the digital files extend past the date of the competition. It is likely that these dates reflect when files were transferred to the Jaz drive for storage.
Sécurité au quotidien : attention aux chutes de fruits
Sony Devabhaktuni et Joanna Mansbridge s’intéressent aux performances en matière de sécurité quotidienne à Hong Kong
18 mars 2024
Pour votre sécurité
Le rôle élargi: SITU
Bradley Samuels présente le travail récent de SITU Research et le rôle joué par la recherche au sein de la pratique de SITU dans son ensemble. Une série d’études de cas sera présentée, explorant le rôle élargi de la pratique architecturale et spatiale à travers un éventail de domaines, des droits humains à la politique publique, de la science de la terre au design(...)
Théâtre Paul-Desmarais
14 janvier 2016
Le rôle élargi: SITU
Bradley Samuels présente le travail récent de SITU Research et le rôle joué par la recherche au sein de la pratique de SITU dans son ensemble. Une série d’études de cas sera présentée, explorant le rôle élargi de la pratique architecturale et spatiale à travers un éventail de domaines, des droits humains à la politique publique, de la science de la terre au design(...)
Théâtre Paul-Desmarais
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24 avril 2016
À l’occasion du Jour de la Terre, devenez agents de pollinisation urbaine pour contrer le déclin d’insectes pollinisateurs et de plantes nectarifères. En collaboration avec l’Éco-quartier Peter-McGill, vous découvrirez le rôle des monarques, des abeilles et de l’asclépiade qui favorisent la richesse de la biodiversité en ville. Mettez la main à la pâte dans un atelier de(...)
Conversation entre Jean-Philippe Vassal, de l’agence Lacaton Vassal, Paris, France, et Giancarlo Mazzanti, de Mazzanti Arquitectos, Bogotá, Colombie, animée par Mirko Zardini, directeur et conservateur en chef du CCA. L’édition 2011 aborde les interventions architecturales qui traitent de questions sociales au travers de projets de typologies et d’échelles(...)
17 novembre 2011
Urgence 2011 : Jean-Philippe Vassal et Giancarlo Mazzanti
Conversation entre Jean-Philippe Vassal, de l’agence Lacaton Vassal, Paris, France, et Giancarlo Mazzanti, de Mazzanti Arquitectos, Bogotá, Colombie, animée par Mirko Zardini, directeur et conservateur en chef du CCA. L’édition 2011 aborde les interventions architecturales qui traitent de questions sociales au travers de projets de typologies et d’échelles(...)
Reconnus pour leurs idées et projets novateurs, Greg Lynn et Yung Ho Chang abordent des questions d’importance vitale dans la pratique contemporaine. Les présentations individuelles de Lynn et de Chang sont suivies d’une conversation animée par le directeur du CCA, Mirko Zardini. La série Urgence témoigne de l’intérêt constant du CCA à explorer les questions cruciales(...)
13 juin 2008
Urgence 2008 : Greg Lynn et Yung Ho Chang
Reconnus pour leurs idées et projets novateurs, Greg Lynn et Yung Ho Chang abordent des questions d’importance vitale dans la pratique contemporaine. Les présentations individuelles de Lynn et de Chang sont suivies d’une conversation animée par le directeur du CCA, Mirko Zardini. La série Urgence témoigne de l’intérêt constant du CCA à explorer les questions cruciales(...)
Célébrités du monde de l’architecture, Rem Hoolhaas et Peter Eisenman abordent chacun un sujet auquel ils accordent une importance vitale en architecture contemporaine et devant lequel ils éprouvent un sentiment d’urgence. À la suite de leurs présentations, les architectes engagent une conversation publique avec Phyllis Lambert, directeur fondateur et président du Conseil(...)
8 juin 2007
Urgence 2007 : Rem Koolhaas et Peter Eisenman
Célébrités du monde de l’architecture, Rem Hoolhaas et Peter Eisenman abordent chacun un sujet auquel ils accordent une importance vitale en architecture contemporaine et devant lequel ils éprouvent un sentiment d’urgence. À la suite de leurs présentations, les architectes engagent une conversation publique avec Phyllis Lambert, directeur fondateur et président du Conseil(...)
Adam Caruso de Caruso St John et Brigitte Shim de Shim-Sutcliffe Architects abordent des questions d’importance vitale dans la pratique architecturale contemporaine. Les présentations de Caruso et Shim sont suivies d’une conversation animée par le directeur du CCA, Mirko Zardini. La série Urgence témoigne de l’intérêt constant du CCA à explorer les questions cruciales(...)
12 juin 2009
Urgence 2009 : Adam Caruso et Brigitte Shim
Adam Caruso de Caruso St John et Brigitte Shim de Shim-Sutcliffe Architects abordent des questions d’importance vitale dans la pratique architecturale contemporaine. Les présentations de Caruso et Shim sont suivies d’une conversation animée par le directeur du CCA, Mirko Zardini. La série Urgence témoigne de l’intérêt constant du CCA à explorer les questions cruciales(...)