Architectural projects

Architectural projects

Part of


  • Aditya Prakash (archive creator)
  • Aditya Prakash (architect)
  • Arcon Architects (architectural firm)
  • Chetna Purnami (architect)


Architectural projects

Dates of creation


Level of archival description


Extent and Medium

  • 1,268 drawings (including reprographic copies)
  • 122 photographic materials
  • 0.39 l.m. of textual records

Scope and Content

The Architectural projects series, 1957-2007, records 82 architectural projects of Aditya Prakash throughout his career as an architect in Chandigarh, India. Most of these projects were completed with his daughter, Chetna Prakash, through his private practice, Arcon Architects, from 1982-2007. These projects include private residences, housing complexes, university campuses, schools, factories, theatres, sport and yoga centres, offices and furniture, among others. The projects include built work, competition entries and proposals, though it is not always clear which projects were realized. While many projects were located in Chandigarh, the series documents projects across northern India, particularly in Jammu and Kashmir, Punjab, Haryana, Himachal Pradesh and Uttar Pradesh. The projects in this series were identified based on their unique locations and dates. Some projects, located at the same site, consisted of multiple buildings and were designed and/or constructed over long periods of time. The materials for projects like this are described together in one project series, instead of being separated out by building or time period.

These projects are recorded largely through original drawings, which include sketches, plans, elevations, sections, perspectives, details, axonometric views and working drawings. However, materials for each project are sparse, often consisting of only 1-10 drawings. Textual records and photographs are also included in the materials for a few projects. The photographs show completed work, while the textual records primarily consist of client correspondence.

Reference Number



Materials in the Architectural projects series are arranged in chronological order by the project start year. Since most projects were produced by Arcon Architects, which was established in 1982, projects with unknown dates have been assigned a start year of 1982.

Conditions governing reproduction

  • Copyright is held by Vikramaditya Prakash. His permission must be sought before reproductions can be made outside of the scope of the CCA’s activities.

Language of material



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