MN DAV Dental College, boys' hostel, Solan, India (2003)
This project series documents a boys' hostel for the MN DAV Dental College in Solan, India in 2003. The project consisted of a rectangular dormitory building that wrapped around a central, exterior courtyard. Verandas and terraces led from the hostel's interior to the courtyard. An oblong volume attached to the main building held the hostel's dining hall, and a smaller round volume attached to this contained the kitchen. Multiple schemes were investigated for this project.
The project is recorded through drawings of floor plans, sections and axonometric views dating from 2003 and a letter from the project engineer dating from 2004.
Materials in this project series were arranged by material type.
Solan India
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1 File
Sheet (smallest): 40 x 29 cm Sheet (largest): 102 x 55 cm
Aditya Prakash fonds
Collection Centre Canadien d'Architecture/
Canadian Centre for Architecture, Montréal;
Don de Vikramaditya Prakash/
Gift of Vikramaditya Prakash
1 File
Aditya Prakash fonds
Collection Centre Canadien d'Architecture/
Canadian Centre for Architecture, Montréal;
Don de Vikramaditya Prakash/
Gift of Vikramaditya Prakash
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