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James Stirling/Michael Wilford professional papers
[ca. 1948-2004?]
Series 2
Series documents the professional activities of James Stirling, James Gowan, Michael Wilford, and the successive firms of Stirling and Gowan; James Stirling; James Stirling and Partner; James Stirling, Michael Wilford, and Associates; Michael Wilford and Partners; as well as the firm of Michael Wilford GmbH. It chiefly illustrates the architectural and urban planning projects by James Stirling and the successive firms, including earlier theoretical and housing schemes, competition entries, major international commissions, as well as dead projects. The series also relates to exhibitions and publications of the firms' work, to writing and lecturing activities, to prizes, distinctions and honours received by the partners and the successive firms, and to other professional activities including participation to competition juries and teaching. Administrative and office activities are also documented in this series. Material in this series was produced between ca. 1948 and probably 2004.
Series contains a large number of reference, conceptual, and design development drawings, publication and presentation drawings and panels, working drawings and several models. Series also contains photographic materials, textual records, film reels and other audiovisual materials, and artefacts.
Series is organized in 10 sub-series: AP140.S2.SS1 Architectural projects; AP140.S2.SS2 Dead projects; AP140.S2.SS3 Exhibitions; AP140.S2.SS4 Publications, lectures and writings; AP140.S2.SS5 Awards and honours; AP140.S2.SS6 Professional activities and associations; AP140.S2.SS7 Photographs and films; AP140.S2.SS9 Firms' administration; and AP140.S2.SS9 Office records. Arrangement within each sub-series is roughly chronological.
There is a gap in the numbering between the sub-series AP140.S2.SS7 Photographs and films and AP140.S2.SS9 Firms' administration due to a rearrangement of the fonds to make the classification easier to navigate and understand. The sub-series AP140.S2.SS8 was deleted and its content was merged with AP140.S2.SS7.
Documents are in English, German, Italian, Spanish and Japanese, with some French, Persian, Dutch, Chinese, Portuguese, Arabic, Turkish, Czech and Swedish.
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