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File 12
File documents the conceptual planning proposal, Non-Plan, a joint experimental research project conducted by Reyner Banham, Paul Barker, Peter Hall, and Cedric Price, for regional sites in England. The Non-Plan project was first published as an article entitled "Non-plan: an experiment in freedom" in 'New Society' (Banham, et. al., 1969; 1974). Material from this file, which includes sketches, a map and a chart, was also published in Price, Cedric, "Non-Plan," 'Architectural Design' (May 1969); Price, Cedric, with Peter Murray, "The First Instalment in the Cedric Price Series," 'Architectural Design,' vol. 40 (October 1970); and 'Cedric Price-Works II' (London: Architectural Press, 1984). Some material in this file was produced in 1968.
File contains conceptual drawings, photographic material, reprographic copies, and textual records.
Materials in this series were kept in the original order in which they were received.
Angleterre Royaume-Uni
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conceptual thumbnail sketches with annotations; time, frequency, location, and movement chart allowing "five dimensional information [to be] presented on a two dimensional chart" (Price 1984, p.39); regional map of Portsmouth, Isle of Wight, New Forest, Southampton showing roads, railways, wooded areas, built areas, and beaches at low tide.
3 conceptual drawing(s)
Graphite, ink, adhesive film, and tape on translucent paper
sheet (smallest): 23 x 38 cm sheet (largest): 38 x 72 cm
Cedric Price fonds
Collection Centre Canadien d'Architecture/
Canadian Centre for Architecture, Montréal
Objets catalogués:
2 photograph(s)
Gelatin silver prints collaged on paper
sheet (smallest): 8 x 11 cm sheet (largest): 15 x 21 cm
Cedric Price fonds
Collection Centre Canadien d'Architecture/
Canadian Centre for Architecture, Montréal
Objets catalogués:
1 roll(s)
Reprographic copies
Cedric Price fonds
Collection Centre Canadien d'Architecture/
Canadian Centre for Architecture, Montréal
1 ring binder(s)
ring binder: 33 x 23.5 x 1.5 cm
Cedric Price fonds
Collection Centre Canadien d'Architecture/
Canadian Centre for Architecture, Montréal
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