

Inclus dans

Personnes et institutions

  • Cedric Price (architect)
  • Cedric Price (archive creator)



Dates de création

1979, 1987-1988, predominant 1988

Niveau de description archivistique

File 144


  • 55 drawings
  • 2 reprographic copies
  • 3 panels
  • undefined number of models
  • 0.10 l.m. of textual records
  • 0.02 l.m. of photographic materials

Présentation du contenu

File documents a contribution to an exhibition hosted by the Aedes Galerie in Berlin, Germany, entitled "Berlin - Denkmal oder Denkmodell?". Price's contribution is centred around the concept of four "Annual Portals", monumental (but disassemblable and movable) structures which are apparently meant to guide the long-term flow of citizens' urban activities as they live in and eventually leave the city. Material in this file was produced in 1979 and between 1987 and 1988, but predominantly in 1988.

File contains conceptual drawings, presentation panels, models, photographic materials and textual records.

Numéro de réference


Mode de classement

Materials in this series were kept in the original order in which they were received.


Berlin Allemagne

Langue et écriture des documents

English, German, French

Sources complémentaires

  • For additional materials related to this project, see file DR2004:0343 in project series AP144.S2.D184, Venic in this fonds. File DR2004:0737 in this project series contains a publication possibly related to project Bat Hat (AP144.S2.D127).


Trier par: 

  • Voir plus Fermer
    • Numéro de réference: DR2004:0643
    • Titre: Sketches, some with annotations, perspectives, details, and collage
    • Classification: dessins
    • Objets catalogués : 0

    Personnes et institutions:

    • Cedric Price (archive creator)

    Quantité / Type d’objet:

    2 conceptual drawing(s)


    • 2 reprographic copies

    Technique et médium:

    Reprographic copies


    sheets: 30 x 21 cm

    Mention de crédit:

    Cedric Price fonds
    Collection Centre Canadien d'Architecture/
    Canadian Centre for Architecture, Montréal

  • Voir plus Fermer
    • Numéro de réference: DR2004:0644
    • Titre: Sketches, cutouts, notes, perspectives, and elevations
    • Classification: dessins
    • Objets catalogués : 0

    Personnes et institutions:

    • Cedric Price (archive creator)

    Quantité / Type d’objet:

    16 conceptual drawing(s)


    • 16 drawings

    Technique et médium:

    Ink and adhesive tape on paper, reprographic copies and translucent paper


    sheet (smallest): 13 x 8 cm sheet (largest): 15 x 21 cm

    Caractéristiques matérielles et contraintes techniques:

    Note: This material was originally housed in a cigar box.

    Mention de crédit:

    Cedric Price fonds
    Collection Centre Canadien d'Architecture/
    Canadian Centre for Architecture, Montréal

  • Voir plus Fermer
    • Numéro de réference: DR2004:0645
    • Titre: Views of drawings
    • Classification: photographies
    • Objets catalogués : 0

    Personnes et institutions:

    • Cedric Price (archive creator)

    Quantité / Type d’objet:

    4 photograph(s)


    • 4 photographs

    Technique et médium:

    Colour polaroids (or diffusion transfer prints)

    Caractéristiques matérielles et contraintes techniques:

    Note: This material was originally housed in a cigar box.

    Mention de crédit:

    Cedric Price fonds
    Collection Centre Canadien d'Architecture/
    Canadian Centre for Architecture, Montréal

  • Voir plus Fermer
    • Numéro de réference: DR2004:0646
    • Titre: Two-dimensional models of letters I and V
    • Classification: maquettes
    • Objets catalogués : 0

    Personnes et institutions:

    • Cedric Price (archive creator)

    Quantité / Type d’objet:

    1 model(s)


    Technique et médium:



    model (smallest): 8 x 4 cm model (largest): 8 x 9 cm

    Caractéristiques matérielles et contraintes techniques:

    - Unassembled pieces. - Note: This material was originally housed in a cigar box.

    Mention de crédit:

    Cedric Price fonds
    Collection Centre Canadien d'Architecture/
    Canadian Centre for Architecture, Montréal

  • Voir plus Fermer
    • Numéro de réference: DR2004:0647
    • Titre: Views of Berlin, some drawn on, and postcards
    • Classification: photographies
    • Objets catalogués : 1

    Personnes et institutions:

    • Cedric Price (archive creator)

    Quantité / Type d’objet:

    1 photographic material(s)


    Technique et médium:

    Ink and stickers on gelatin silver prints, chromogenic colour prints and reprographic copies


    photographic materials: 0,01 l.m.

    Mention de crédit:

    Cedric Price fonds
    Collection Centre Canadien d'Architecture/
    Canadian Centre for Architecture, Montréal

    Objets catalogués:

  • Voir plus Fermer
    • Numéro de réference: DR2004:0652
    • Titre: Sketches, some with annotations, design development drawings
    • Classification: dessins
    • Objets catalogués : 0

    Personnes et institutions:

    • Cedric Price (archive creator)


    sketches, some with annotations, design development drawings, measured sketches, elevations, plans, site plans, sections, clippings, collages, details, diagram, schematic, note, letter, and loose labels

    Quantité / Type d’objet:

    27 conceptual drawing(s)


    • 27 drawings

    Technique et médium:

    Ink, graphite, wax crayon, paper collage and correction fluid on translucent paper, reprographic copies and paper


    sheet (smallest): 30 x 21 cm sheet (largest): 38 x 72 cm

    Mention de crédit:

    Cedric Price fonds
    Collection Centre Canadien d'Architecture/
    Canadian Centre for Architecture, Montréal

  • Voir plus Fermer
    • Numéro de réference: DR2004:0653
    • Titre: Perspective sketches, clippings collage, plan, photomontage of a proposed structure, and notes
    • Classification: dessins
    • Objets catalogués : 0

    Personnes et institutions:

    • Cedric Price (archive creator)

    Quantité / Type d’objet:

    1 presentation panel(s)


    • 1 panels

    Technique et médium:

    Reprographic copies mounted on cardboard


    panel: 52 x 78 cm

    Mention de crédit:

    Cedric Price fonds
    Collection Centre Canadien d'Architecture/
    Canadian Centre for Architecture, Montréal

  • Voir plus Fermer
    • Numéro de réference: DR2004:0654
    • Titre: Sketches, some with annotations, perspectives, elevations
    • Classification: dessins
    • Objets catalogués : 4

    Personnes et institutions:

    • Cedric Price (archive creator)


    sketches, some with annotations, perspectives, elevations, design development drawings, possibly presentation drawings, measured sketches, details, sections, site plan, plan, and clipping

    Quantité / Type d’objet:

    12 conceptual drawing(s)


    • 12 drawings

    Technique et médium:

    Ink, wax crayon, graphite, paint, correction fluid and paper collage on translucent paper, paper and reprographic copies


    sheet (smallest): 16 x 11 cm sheet (largest): 38 x 71 cm

    Mention de crédit:

    Cedric Price fonds
    Collection Centre Canadien d'Architecture/
    Canadian Centre for Architecture, Montréal

    Objets catalogués:

  • Voir plus Fermer
    • Numéro de réference: DR2004:0655
    • Titre: Sketches, some with annotations, perspectives, elevations, details, site plans, plans, and text
    • Classification: dessins
    • Objets catalogués : 1

    Personnes et institutions:

    • Cedric Price (archive creator)

    Quantité / Type d’objet:

    2 presentation panel(s)


    • 2 panels

    Technique et médium:

    Reprographic copies mounted on cardboard


    panels: 51 x 76 cm

    Mention de crédit:

    Cedric Price fonds
    Collection Centre Canadien d'Architecture/
    Canadian Centre for Architecture, Montréal

    Objets catalogués:

      • DR2004:0655:002
      • Citlin: presentation panel with sketches of gateways and a diagrammatic map of Berlin showing the proposed locations for the four gateways
      • Classification: dessins
      • Ajouter au classeur
  • Voir plus Fermer
    • Numéro de réference: DR2004:0735
    • Titre: Sketches, drawings, notes, statistical reports, views of Berlin
    • Classification: documents textuels
    • Objets catalogués : 0

    Personnes et institutions:

    • Cedric Price (archive creator)


    sketches, drawings, notes, statistical reports, views of Berlin, clippings, texts, cutouts, maps, photomontages, photograph of exhibition, schedule, and form

    Quantité / Type d’objet:

    1 file(s)


    • Approximately 50 drawings (including reprographic copies)
    • 0.01 l.m. of textual records


    folder: 25 x 37,5 x 3 cm

    Mention de crédit:

    Cedric Price fonds
    Collection Centre Canadien d'Architecture/
    Canadian Centre for Architecture, Montréal

  • Voir plus Fermer
    • Numéro de réference: DR2004:0736
    • Titre: Notes, views of Berlin, sketches, drawings, maps, collages, exhibition catalogue entry forms
    • Classification: documents textuels
    • Objets catalogués : 0

    Personnes et institutions:

    • Cedric Price (archive creator)


    notes, views of Berlin, sketches, drawings, maps, collages, exhibition catalogue entry forms, catalogue exerpts, clippings, and photomontage

    Quantité / Type d’objet:

    1 file(s)


    • Approximately 32 drawings (including reprographic copies)
    • Approximately 30 photographic materials
    • 0.01 l.m. of textual records


    folder: 25 x 37,5 x 2 cm

    Mention de crédit:

    Cedric Price fonds
    Collection Centre Canadien d'Architecture/
    Canadian Centre for Architecture, Montréal

  • Voir plus Fermer
    • Numéro de réference: DR2004:0737
    • Titre: Publications, sketches, brochures, map, and publication on the Battersea Power Station
    • Classification: dessins, documents textuels
    • Objets catalogués : 0

    Personnes et institutions:

    • Cedric Price (archive creator)


    publications, sketches, brochures, map, and publication on the Battersea Power Station, possibly from the Bat Hat project

    Quantité / Type d’objet:

    1 file(s)


    • 0.03 l.m. of textual records
    • and other materials


    folder: 25 x 37,5 x 3 cm

    Mention de crédit:

    Cedric Price fonds
    Collection Centre Canadien d'Architecture/
    Canadian Centre for Architecture, Montréal

  • Voir plus Fermer
    • Numéro de réference: DR2004:0738
    • Titre: Correspondence, notes, memorandums, catalogue entry forms
    • Classification: dessins, documents textuels
    • Objets catalogués : 0

    Personnes et institutions:

    • Cedric Price (archive creator)


    correspondence, notes, memorandums, catalogue entry forms, brochures, reference drawings, press release, clipping, and loan form

    Quantité / Type d’objet:

    1 ring binder(s)


    • 0.02 l.m. of textual records
    • and other materials


    ring binder: 35 x 26 x 4 cm

    Mention de crédit:

    Cedric Price fonds
    Collection Centre Canadien d'Architecture/
    Canadian Centre for Architecture, Montréal


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