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Showroom for Thomas Green & Son Limited
File 22
File documents alterations to the showroom and offices of Thomas Green & Son Limited, at New Surrey Works, on Southwark Street, in London, England. The proposal reflects Prices’ objective "to provide maximum flexibility for the display of product", by the use of movable screens, stands, canopies, and a lighting system of adjustable spotlights. The project includes a new reception room and office, and renovations to existing offices. Future construction phases for this project include work on the entrance façade and door, and company signage. A preliminary sketch for an illuminated mural on a showroom wall is fabricated from wheels manufactured by the company. Material in this file was produced between 1958 and 1959.
File contains design development drawings and textual records.
Materials in this series were kept in the original order in which they were received.
London Greater London England United Kingdom
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plans, elevations, sections, measured drawings, ceiling plan, details showing canopy, desk, storage unit, display stand, entrance doors, display cabinet, wall mural, perspective sketches, axonometric sketches, work summary, and cost estimate
21 design development drawing(s)
Graphite, ink, and adhesive film on translucent paper
sheet (smallest): 29.5 x 39 cm sheet (largest): 30 x 38.5 cm
Cedric Price fonds
Collection Centre Canadien d'Architecture/
Canadian Centre for Architecture, Montréal
Objects that have been catalogued:
plan of showroom, conceptual sketches of furniture and interior details, measured sketches, plans and elevations of existing showroom, correspondence, specifications, estimates, invoices, calculations, price lists, promotional material, trade catalogues. brochures, publication, clippings
1 file(s)
folder: 24 x 38 x 3 cm
Cedric Price fonds
Collection Centre Canadien d'Architecture/
Canadian Centre for Architecture, Montréal
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