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1962-1964, 1967
File 51
File documents proposals for a portable circular cinema for Circlorama Theatres Limited, of London, England, United Kingdom. Thumbnail sketches show positioning of concrete bases; erection of the cinema, central tower, and trussed wall frames; and the installation of the radially-trussed roof, interior fixtures, and exterior aluminum cladding. Diagrammatic sections show alternate designs for the structure and structural systems. A flow diagram illustrates projected circulation patterns. Also included in the group are fabrication drawings for the cinema by various consultants which Price may have used for reference purposes. Material in this file was produced between 1962 and 1964.
File contains drawings by the following firms: Lawrence Colebrook (Construction Equipment) Co. Ltd, Andrew Smith Harkness Ltd, Cotton Ballard & Blow Architects & Surveyors.
File contains design development drawings and textual records.
Materials in this series were kept in the original order in which they were received.
London Greater London England United Kingdom
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sketches with annotations, axonometric diagrams showing erection process, circulation patterns, plans, elevations, and sections, some used for publication in "Cedric Price Supplement", 'Architectural Design', vol. 40, (October 1970), 517.
19 design development drawing(s)
Graphite, ink, coloured pencil, wax crayon, adhesive film, adhesive tape, and stickers on translucent paper
sheet (smallest): 28.5 x 21.5 cm sheet (largest): 40.5 x 76 cm
Cedric Price fonds
Collection Centre Canadien d'Architecture/
Canadian Centre for Architecture, Montréal
Objects that have been catalogued:
14 design development drawing(s)
Graphite, ink, wax crayon, and adhesive tape on reprographic copies
sheet (smallest): 38 x 69.5 cm sheet (largest): 77 x 133 cm
Cedric Price fonds
Collection Centre Canadien d'Architecture/
Canadian Centre for Architecture, Montréal
sketches, consultant's sketches, correspondence, proposal, specifications, estimate, invoice, calculations, price list, clippings, photographs, architect's report, meeting notes, and engineering contract
1 file(s)
folder: 24 x 37.5 x 1 cm
Cedric Price fonds
Collection Centre Canadien d'Architecture/
Canadian Centre for Architecture, Montréal
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